The section conducts experimental and theoretical research to image the subsurface structure and to characterize processes that change the subsurface using electromagnetic methods. Imaging und chracterization therefore base on the physical properties electrical conductivity, dielectric permitivity and magnetic permeability.
The research of section 2 aims on the advancement of existing and the development of new electromagnetic methods. We focus our work on improving the ability to image dynamic processes such as the spatial and temporal variation of the salt/fresh water interface in coastal regions. Further, we develop scale- and method-independent approaches to enhance the reliability of parameter distributions used to inform subsurface modeling. Finally, we deliver high-resolution subsurface models to allows for sedimentological investigations.
Within the research field of Geoelectrics we target on the dc-resistivity method. Of special interest are large-scale layouts and monitoring experiments as well as developing data interpretation software. The research field surface-NMR advances the technique to conduct NMR experiments by using large coils placed at the Earths surface that allows for deriving hydrological parameter. The Georadar group conducts research in the field of high-frequency electromagnetic wave to investigate groundwater-systems, sedimentological questions and the detection of explosive ordnances. The developments in the fields of measurement equipment as well as modeling and inversion technqiues are focussed on the above mentioned methods while the modeling and inversion group deals with handling partial differential equations, mainly maxwells-equations. Further they develop modern inverse modeling approaches and data-processing algorithms, mainly for improved characterization of coastal aquifers and the critical zone.