Geo processes are coupled THMC processes. They are mathematically modeled by coupled partial differential equations. Simulations are experiments with numerical solution models.
Geo processes are essentially determined by the coupled transport of
These processes are usually assigned to the terms
As a whole, they are referred to as coupled THMC processes. The quantitative description of THMC processes generally requires the solution of a coupled system of the following conservation equations:
Such systems of coupled partial differential equations can only be solved numerically in practice.
By simulations we mean experiments with numerical models for the analysis of the mapped processes and their interactions as well as for prognostic purposes.
Depending on the system under consideration, its determining scales and the purpose of the simulations, adequate tools for numerical modeling are selected or developed by us. This includes commercial software (e.g. COMSOL, feflow), open source programs (e.g. OGS, OPM, MODFLOW) as well as own developments (e.g. oops! ®)