LIAG / Research / Methods / Seismic Sources & Equipment 

Seismic Sources & Equipment

With the continuous development of broadband vibration sources and shear-wave technology, the department has received international acknowledgement and it is sought after for high-resolution (down to the sub-metre level) exploration of shallow structures. LIAG plays an internationally leading role and holds patents. Innovations for recording technology (e.g. landstreamers), as well as adapted evaluation methods, have also created novel methods for the seismic exploration of paved-over surfaces.


In the future, the exploration and monitoring of economically usable underground formations will require the high-resolution 3D visualisation of structures and parameters (e.g. hydrogeology, construction foundations, active faults), as well as innovative approaches for the monitoring of processes (e.g. georeservoirs, georisks). New developments in terms of seismic sources and surveying technologies are therefore aimed in particular at (a) applications in urban areas, (b) enhancements by the joint use of wave types with different polarisations and (c) the methodological development of multi-component 3D surveys. Time-dependent tomographic experiments also offer a huge potential for process studies (including reservoir monitoring, georisks). Extracting the additional information held in this seismic data for interpretation requires modification of seismic data processing techniques. Seismic modelling improves the understanding of the observed wavefield, and therefore the evaluation of the surveying technology and the geological interpretations.
