LIAG / Research / Methods / Well logging 

Well logging

Geophysical measurements in (deep) wells provide fundamental information for the interpretation of many geoscientific questions. Their interpretation enables the geophysical characterisation of the formations penetrated by the well, determining the position of sedimentary structures, as well as interpreting paleo-climatic conditions. The combined interpretation of various physical parameters enables the determination of fundamental geological and reservoir properties, and solves problems on the (macroscopic) boundary surfaces and boundary surface processes. Analysis of well-to-well relationships enables the regional as well as supra-regional characterisation of analogous as well as genetically similar sedimentary sequences.  This is also ensured in the medium term by the continuous participation in national and international research wells (e.g. as part of ICDP projects). An indispensable part of these activities is the continuous upgrading of the well equipment and the continuous broadening and adaptation to the needs of the research. A current example is the reliable determination of the important parameter porosity which plays a fundamental part in the derivation of electronic properties and the quantification of sedimentary compaction rates. To this end, the operational range of the NMR logging tool has been extended to well depths of down to 1400 m, and a mobile NMR core scanner has also been developed. Interpretation possibilities for the combination of well logs and core material are also being generally expanded. One potential application is the acquisition of chronostratigraphic data to date the ages of sediments, as well as determine indicators to characterise the climatic development of areas of sedimentary deposition.


  • Lake Chalco
    Multi-parameter analysys of downhole-measurements in lake sediments as part of an ICDP-Drilling in Mexico City
  • JET
    Integrated Understanding of the Early Jurassic Earth System and Timescale
    Climate Change in Western Africa during the early evolution of modern humans

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Concluded Projects

  • Lake Ohrid I
    Multi-parameter analysys of downhole-measurements in lake sediments as part of an ICDP-Drilling in the border area of North Macedonia and Albania
  • GEBO B4
    Geoparameters from well logging and their uses
  • Borehole NMR
    Development of a narrow NMR borehole tool for hydrological questions
  • Lake Van
    Multi-parameter analysys of downhole-measurements in lake sediments as part of an ICDP-Drilling in Turkey
    Southern McMurdo Sound Project
  • Lake Towuti
    Multi-parameter analysys of downhole-measurements in lake sediments as part of an ICDP-Drilling in Indonesia
  • Lake Ohrid II
    Extended multi-parameter analysys of downhole-measurements in lake sediments as part of an ICDP-Drilling in the border area of North Macedonia and Albania