LIAG / Research / Projects / Internal projects / Analysis and interpretation of potential field data 

Analysis and interpretation of potential field data


LIAG manages and continually enlarges gravimetric and magnetic data sets covering the whole of Germany. This forms the basis for the preparation of a two-part map at a scale of 1:1,000,000, used to clarify fundamental and applied geoscientific questions: (1) a map of anomalies of the Earth's total magnetic field , (2) Bouguer anomaly map. This provides homogenised potential-field data for the whole of Germany, which satisfies modern international requirements. They are continuously upgraded to include new measurements.

The interpretation of this potential field data (Bouguer anomalies, geomagnetic total field anomalies), is usually undertaken by using mathematical methods to separate various bodies that disrupt the field (e.g. by spectral filtering), as well as via two-dimensional and three-dimensional model calculations (so-called forward modelling). We use this for regional investigations as well as local investigations, which can be accomplished by micro-gravimetric surveys.

In the applied gravimetry field in particular, we not only investigate stationary mass distributions underground, but also increasingly dynamic processes, in the sense of mass movement over time. This is achieved by repeated measurements and long-term observations of the gravity field, primarily in connection with the genesis of sinkholes and periodically-occurring hydrogeological processes.

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