LIAG / Research / Projects / Internal projects / Seismics (Subrosion) 

Seismics (Subrosion)

For a better understanding of subrosion processes a detailed investigation of near-surface structures related to this phenomenon i.e. collapse- and suffusion sinkholes is necessary. Seismic methods are predestined to acquire high-resolution images of the subsurface and to determine specific physical attributes. The seismic measuring systems developed at LIAG enable a combined view on P- and S-wave reflection seismics and in addition seismic borehole measurements like vertical seismic profiles (VSP and MSP) and tomographic measurements.

The first scientific aim of our research is seismic imaging of near-surface areas affected by subrosion using seismic surface and borehole measurements. Afterwards lithological and structural parameters are supposed to be determined for characterization and detection of unstable zones. On the basis of specific physical attributes a long-term monitoring concept for critical areas should be developed.


Contact Persons

Sonja Wadas

+49 511 643-2489

Dr. Ulrich Polom

+49 511 643-3555