LIAG / Research / Projects / Terminated projects (third-party funded) / SIRIUS-B: Simple and rapid imaging of groundwater using magnetic resonance using grounded bipoles 

SIRIUS-B: Simple and rapid imaging of groundwater using magnetic resonance using grounded bipoles

The project targets at using electrical bipoles for NMR excitation and signal detection as alternative to heavy-weight instruments with large loop layouts

Project objectives

Unlike the loops that transmit and detect the magnetic field component of the electromagnetic field, the grounded electrodes transmit and detect the electrical field component. The difference sounds simple but the approach has not been considered, yet. Since the invention of magnetic resonance, large surface loops have been used. However, in other geophysical electromagnetic methods measurements of the electrical field component are commonly considered.

SIRIUS B will investigate using grounded bipoles both for transmitting NMR pulses and receiving NMR signals.

Left: First FID measured using a grounded bipole for detection of NMR signals. Right: Inversion result in comparison to common loop based detection. 



Project management

Prof. Dr. Mike Müller-Petke
+49 511 643-3253

Project scientist

Nico Skibbe
+49 511 643-3531


