
Geothermal Energy and High Performance Drilling Research Program

Goals of the gebo research association

The superior goal of the gebo research association is to improve the technology of geothermal energy production in order to allow an efficient and economical use of this renewable energy source in Lower Saxony, Germany.

The geological conditions in Lower Saxony and the amount of energy needed make it necessary to drill very deep. Therefore, new methods of combined geological-geophysical exploration and characterization of the geothermal reservoir, as well as the development of new drilling techniques are necessary. New materials and electronic components that reliably work under very high temperature conditions are also in the focus of our research within gebo.

Project partners

The gebo research association (Geothermal Energy and High Performance Drilling Research Program) is a collaboration of the three Lower Saxonian Technical Universities Braunschweig, Clausthal and Hanover, University of Göttingen, Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) as well as the industrial partner Baker Hughes.


The gebo research association is thematically structured into four main research fields:


Head: Dr. Rüdiger Thomas, Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics, Hanover

Drilling technology:

Head: Dr. Dr.-Ing. Catalin Teodoriu, Institute of Petroleum Engineering, Clausthal University of Technology, Clausthal-Cellerfeld


Head: Professor Dr. Georg-Peter Ostermeyer, Institute of Dynamics and Vibrations, TU Braunschweig

Technical systems:

Head: Professor Dr. Ludger Overmeyer, Institute of Transport and Automation Technology, Leibniz University Hanover