Development of an Internet Information Centre for Geothermal Energy Use
Till May 31st 2009 the Geothermal Information System GeotIS was developed.
It provides information and data compilations on deep aquifers in Germany relevant for geothermal exploitation. The primary objective of this project is to improve the quality of geothermal-plant project-planning and the estimation of the exploration risk for geothermal projects on selectable locations. However, concrete, location-specific analyses still remain the task of local feasibility studies.
GeotIS will be the base for the new project GeotIS II which aims for the development of an Internet Information Centre for Geothermal Energy Use, containing also regions and geothermal resources not covered by GeotIS. This centre shall fulfil the following demands:
Having an updated data base the exploratioin risk for geothermal wells can be evaluated much better. This way it will be a central decision guidance for investors, insurances and public financiers of geothermal projects.
Working Program
More information about the state of work can be found on the GeotIS/GeotIS-II homepage
Start Page of the GeotIS Web Interface