The Indian Monsoon system influences the lives of many million people, while its activity in the past is only partly known. For past reconstructions, marine geoarchives play a dominant role although these are more indirect and smoothed due to transport processes from precipitation region to the marine realm.

Here we propose investigating loess-paleosol sequences in Kashmir, northern India over the last several glacial/interglacial cycles. These geoarchives will be utilized for reconstructing relative fluctuations in precipitation and for obtaining an improved insight into dynamics of precipitation related to the Indian Monsoon and Westerlies.

We will mainly use rock magnetic methods and calorimetry as proxy data for past environments. Also grain size composition, geochemistry and anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility will be analysed to obtain quantifies information on wind- and weathering intensity and wind direction. The timing will be determined by luminescence dating.

This research proposal builds on a smaller proposal and will analysed Kashmir loess paleosol sequences over the last several glacial/interglacial cycles.


Project Management

Dr. Sumiko Tsukamoto

Dr. Christian Zeeden

Project Group

Julia Meister (Univ. Bamberg)

Reyaz Dar (Univ. of Srinagar)




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