LIAG / Research / Projects / Third-party funded projects / TONIA - subarea-specific optimized nutrition management in precision agriculture 

TONIA - subarea-specific optimized nutrition management in precision agriculture

Objective of the joint project is the optimization of nutrient management in precision farming, also from an environmental perspective. As soils are laterally variable and specific, the fields are surveyed with the geoelectrical instrument Geophilus Electricus. Task of the LIAG subproject is the analysis of the resistivity data. The resulting conductivity maps are transferred to 3D soil texture maps by using reference point probing.

Project description

Not a single field is homogeneous in terms of soil texture and moisture content. As a result, not all plants obtain the optimum nutrition on large fields. With too less nutrients they will not show the ideal yield. On the other hand, too many nutrients contaminate the subsurface. The objective is a precise calculation of the nutrition demand on subareas. The TONIA project partners develop soil sensors and produce 3D soil texture maps describing the soil into a depth of 150 cm, particularly with regard to soil moisture. Combined with yield modelling we generate nutrition-demand maps and maps of the effective field capacity in a resolution of 10x10m, which are in turn used to calculate nutrition. So the nutrition can be applied on demand instead of homogeneously.


Task of LIAG subproject

The instrument Geophilus Electricus (Lück & Rühlmann, 2013) measures continuously (i.e. with the blue wheel electrodes while driving) an equatorial dipole-dipole array with five different spacings from 0.6 to 3.0m. The shown sensitivity distribution (Guillemoteau et al., 2017) demonstrates how the  subsurface resistivities contribute to the measured values. The task of the LIAG is the reconstruction of electrical conductivity from the measured data. Aim is to develop a robust (for routine field application) software that will eventually generate soil texture maps while using other sensors as gamma activities. These maps are then the basis for the field management. The project TONIA joins farmers, agronomists, soil scientists, geophysicists and software developers to address socially relevant problems in practical application.



Project scientist

Mohamad Sadegh Roudsari 

Project lead

Dr. Thomas Günther


Hochschule für Nachaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde (Lead)
IGZ Leibniz-Institut für Gemüse- und Zierpflanzenbau, Großbeeren
LAB GmbH Landw. Agrarberatung der Agrarverbände, Müncheberg
VisDat geodatentechnologie GmbH, Dresden
Landwirtschaft P. Philipp, Booßen
Agrargenossenschaft Trebbin eG
Ökodorf Brodowin GmbH & Co.
Fürstenwalder Agrarprodukte GmbH Beerfelde