
Upgrading of the Geothermal Information System GeotIS to an Internet Portal for the Heat transition in Germany

ArtemIS updates the geothermal information system GeotIS and extends it to include medium-depth geothermal energy. The user interface shall become even simpler and more intuitive in order to appeal to non-professionals, e.g. from the municipal energy supply sector. The project aims to cover all play types in Germany in the form of regionalised information for different geothermal use scenarios.

Another important part of the project involves the acquisition and adaptation of verified artificial intelligence and deep learning methods for drilling data extraction and analysis. This will help to reduce the amount of work required to unlock borehole data for reservoir parameterisation in the long term. The data from logs and drilling reports acquired and interpreted using these new methods will be transferred to a database.

Using the COMSOL® software, generic, PlayType-specific hydrothermal doublet models will be calculated for different usage scenarios.  For this purpose, hypothetical 3D subsurface models are generated that cover a broad spectrum of geological framework conditions. This will enable GeotIS to assess the geothermal performance of a doublet within a region.

Furthermore, the eLearning portal of GeotIS is to be expanded in the ArtemIS project.


Geowissenschaftliches Zentrum Göttingen, FG Angewandte Geothermik und Geohydraulik
Universität Göttingen


Institut für Angewandte Geowissenschaften
Technische Universität Darmstadt



01.06.2012 - 31.12.2024