LIAG / Research / Topics / Terrestrial Sediment Systems / Chronostratigraphy of Cenozoic Sediments 

Chronostratigraphy of Cenozoic Sediments

The work in this subtopical field aims at the supply of a geochronological framework for studies about the dynamics of landscape evolution and palaeo-climate research. Investigations concentrate on high-resolution sea and cave sediments, river deposits, as well as loess / palaeosol deposits and peat. Reliable chronological frameworks lead to a significant improvement in the quantification and reconstruction of environmental and climatic changes. By such an approach relevant questions concerning the dynamics of landscape evolution, which address for example the change of river courses or the shift of coastal lines as well as periods of increased dust accumulation, can be solved.

Depending upon the sediment type numerical age determinations in a strict chronostratigraphic sense (e.g. luminescence dating methods, Thorium-230/Uranium dating, radiocarbon dating) are combined with additional, more relative methods, like the magnetostratigraphy; sedimentation rates can be estimated indirectly also by the analysis of borehole geophysical data.


Dr. David Colin Tanner
+49 511 643-2908

Current projects

Loess / Palaeosol sequences - terrestriral climare archives

Recent Special Issues

Frechen,M. (2011): Loess in Eurasia.- Quaternary International,234.

Frechen,M. (in press): Loess in Europe.- Quaternary Science Journal,60 (1).

Frechen,M.(in press): Timing and Vegetation History of Interglacials in Northern Eurasia.- Quaternary International,239.

Completed projects