LIAG / Research / Projects / Internal projects / Shear wave & multicomponent seismics 

Shear wave & multicomponent seismics

The combined information from compression and shear waves is integrated in multi-component seismic (also 3K or 4K seismic). Parameters from the different wave types are extracted and analysed in this technique to determine the elastic properties of the medium under investigation and its spatial distribution.

The research and development work concentrates on the development of devices not available on the market, the development of new measuring and evaluation concepts, as well as interpretations adapted to the special wave properties. One of the main research priorities is developing new methods for the use of shear and conversion waves, and particularly also for answering geotechnical questions. 

Areas of application particularly relevant to society include exploration of aquifers, the detection of potential contamination pathways, as well as determining soil parameters with respect to dynamic stresses for the purpose of estimating georisks.

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alpine basins

Damage caused by mining - Staßfurt (finished)

OnSITE (finished)