LIAG / Transfer 


Knowledge and technology transfer (WTT) includes the provision of technologies as well as the transfer of knowledge to society. This is done via publications and various other ways, for example, patents, academic teaching, policy advice, the provision of information systems or, under certain conditions, through commissioned work.

Information services

The Geophysics information system (FIS GP) has been developed by the institute since 1997. It provides the infrastructural basis for the research work at LIAG, also in cooperation with partner institutions. The Geothermal Information System (GeotIS) was set up for Germany on the basis of the FIS GP. The SIP archive is an internet-based database for the archiving and rapid exchange of laboratory data obtained by spectral Induced Polarization (SIP).




LIAG publishes its scientific results and practical experience in specialist journals, scientific compendia and monographs. The peer-reviewed publications at an international level are regarded by the institute as the prime products of its work.

Patents are considered to be equivalent to internationally peer-reviewed publications. As a methodology oriented institute, the use of the developed technologies by third parties is of particular interest to the LIAG.




LIAG cooperates in many ways with partners from science, research and industry as part of joint research projects.

Contract work is carried out by the institute if it is research-related and can not be provided otherwise or if there is a publication-worthy research potential in the proposed research project, or if specific expertise is not available in companies.




LIAG employees take part in academic teaching, for example through lectures at universities and colleges, and the supervision of bachelor`s, master`s, diploma and doctoral theses, thereby contributing to the training of young scientists.




The NFDI-Lithosphere (formerly NFDI4SolidEarth) consortium initiated by the LIAG will collaborate with NFDI4Earth (NFDI for Earth System Research) in a newly established Interest Group Geology & Geophysics (I3G) until 30.09.2020 on a joint funding proposal for the federal and state initiative "National Research Data Infrastructure" in the 2020 application round. The objective is to significantly improve the exchange of validated data for geoscience and society by expanding and networking the existing infrastructure for geological and geophysical data.



WTT Projects

The transfer activities are accompanied by projects. The current project titled "Professionalization and Consolidation of the Utilization Concept at the Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics" is funded by the BMBF.



Knowledge and technology transfer includes the transfer of research results, methods and technologies into products, processes and services for users from research, business and society.

Contact Persons

Dr. Hans-Jürgen Schwarz
+49 511 643-2998

G. Clasen
+49 511 643-2066