LIAG / Transfer / Cooperations 


The LIAG cooperates in many ways with partners from the State Geological Services, in particular with the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) and the State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology (LBEG), with universities, other research institutions and the industry.

Membership in scientific associations, research associations, societies and bodies:

Leibniz Research Alliance "Energy Transition"

The Leibniz Research Alliance “Energy Transition” addresses the challenges of the energy transition with an interdisciplinary research approach that combines expertise from the social science and natural and engineering sciences.

Forschungskollegium Physik des Erdkörpers e.V. (FKPE)

From the knowledge that joint work is necessary for the further development of the physics of the Earth, the heads of geophysical research institutes in the Federal Republic of Germany have joined forces to form an association. (Excerpt from the statutes of the FKPE).

The Bund/Länderausschuss Bodenforschung (Federal/State Geosciences Commission)

The Bund/Länderausschuss Bodenforschung BLA-GEO (Federal/State Geosciences Commission) was established by the economic affairs ministers conference. It consists of representatives from those federal and state ministries, to which the State Geological Surveys (SGD) report. It holds meetings regularly every six months. The BLA-GEO commission deals with transnational geoscientific problems and those concerning the federal or state authorities. This commission advises the Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics (LIAG) and serves the Environment and Economy Affairs ministers conferences or the relevant office Directo´ conferences (state secretary conferences). BLA-GEO has established ad-hoc working groups in the fields of geology, soil, hydrogeology, raw materials and soil/geological information systems.

Information Systems Steering Group (AK Informatuionssysteme)

The information systems steering group was established by the Bund/Länder-Ausschuss Bodenforschung (BLA-GEO, Federal/State Geosciences Commission) and backs it up in the field of geoscientific information systems.


The GeoUnion Alfred Wegener Foundation is the umbrella organization of geoscientific associations in Germany. The Foundation seeks to address the challenges of using natural resources and protecting the environment through the geoscientific expertise of its host organizations.

European Energy Research Alliance (EERA)

The European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) is an alliance of European public research centres and universities. It is one of the cornerstones of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan. EERA brings together more than 170 research centres and universities. Actively working together on 17 joint research programmes, they build on national research initiatives. In a Joint Programme, research organisations join institutes in other European countries to work on shared priorities and research projects.

EERA works together with industry stakeholders to align research and innovation priorities. This collaboration aims to foster world-class technology and innovation in Europe’s energy sector, and to reduce the time to market for technologies.

German Scientific Earth Probing Consortium (GESEP)

GESEP combines the Earth science competence in drilling in terrestrial, marine and glacial areas in Germany. The GESEP association initiates and supports research projects in critical sectors in science, engineering and the management of drilling projects, and as a mediator between science and industry.

German Geothermal Association (BVG)

The German Geothermal Association (BVG), established in 1991, represents companies and individual members. It advocates the use of all existing geothermal technologies ranging from shallow to deep, and from cooling to heating, and the production of electricity. The aim of the association is to make greater use of the significant potential of geothermal energy as an inexhaustible and base-loadable energy source.