LIAG / Transfer / Information Services 

Information Services

In addition to the Internet services, information systems and research data centers are also operated, which contain large databases and evaluation tools.

Specialist information services and research data infrastructure

GeotIS - Geothermal Information System Germany

The Geothermal Information System is a tool to improve the design of geothermal plants and minimize the exploration risk. Basically, it is essentially as a digital version of a geothermal atlas, which is largely scale-independent and is always available in the latest edition. Both geoscientific basic data and new findings and results are provided and continuously supplemented. Although it contains a great deal of data, the GeotIS Geothermal Information System can not replace a local feasibility study.

Information about the project
Link to the application

Specialist Information System Geophysics

The Geophysical Information System (FIS GP) is used to record and giveaccess to geophysical measurements, data analysis and visualizations produced by LIAG and its partners.

Information about the project
Link to the application


SIP-Archive is a web application that enables the participating instituts to manage petro-physical data from the "Spectral Induced Polarization (SIP)" method in the form of Ascii files in a shared archive. Metadata can be used to search for data. The instituts are free to share their data with other instituts. The participating instituts belong to the Induced Polarization working group within the German Geophysical Society.

Information about the SIP-Archive
Link to the application

Internet Services

Inversions interface WebBERT

WebBERT is a web user interface for BERT, which is integrated in FIS GP. It shares its user and rights management. It can be reached via the Geoelectrics / Bert Inversion button. WebBERT applies distributed processing to the inversion jobs in the Internet. It has implemented the concept of an inversion cloud with relatively simple technical means. BERT (Boundless Electrical Resistivity Tomography) is a 2D / 3D inversion program for geoelectrical measurement data developed by T. Günther (LIAG) and C. Rücker (TU Berlin).

Information about the Software
Link to the application

Transformation of terrestrial coordinate and projection systems

Using this web application, the three-dimensional ellipsoidal coordinates of arbitrary (usually local) terrestrial coordinate systems can be mutually converted on the basis of a rotation ellipsoid with the Earth's axis as the rotation axis. It also visualizes them into conformal rectangular (X, Y) coordinates on projection surfaces according transversal Mercator projection and / or perpendicular Lambert projection drafts.

Link to the application

Temperature Distribution Maps

In addition to data sets from the Geophysical Information System FIS-GP, the modeling of formation temperatures also used more than 700 meteorological data sets to determine the soil temperature. The new 3D temperature model was created by Universal Kriging and covers the entire area from the surface to 5000 m below sea level (NN).

Link to the Temperature Distribution Maps