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LIAG-Seminar: Towards extending the luminescence dating range of quartz: exploring the 375 °C quartz TL peak

Vortragende: Neda Rahimzadeh

The optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of quartz is widely used to establish an absolute chronology for sedimentary deposits. However, its applicability is in general limited to the last ~ 150 ka. Therefore extending the range of quartz luminescence dating beyond this limitation is a key challenge. In this talk, I will present our attempts to develop and test the applicability of other luminescence signals from quartz to extend the age range of conventional OSL dating to cover the full Quaternary.

Teilnahme vor Ort im großen Sitzungssaal des Geozentrum Hannover oder online unter folgendem Webex-Linkhttps://liag.webex.com/liag/j.php?MTID=m8aaf53d3fbffb526dfddd7d34d17958b


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