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LIAG-Seminar: Robust Automated Processing and Inversion of Geoelectric Data for Optimized Precision Farming: Insights from the TONIA Project

Vortragender: Mohamad Sadegh Roudsari

Zeit: 11:00 Uhr

This presentation explores the development and application of robust automated methods for processing continuous geoelectric data to optimize precision farming. By integrating advanced resistivity measurements with innovative data processing techniques, we enhance the accuracy of nutrient and water distribution in agricultural fields. Our research, part of the TONIA project, offers new insights into subsurface structures, contributing to more sustainable and efficient farming practices.

Teilnahme vor Ort im großen Sitzungssaal des Geozentrum Hannover oder online unter folgendem Webex-Linkhttps://liag.webex.com/liag/j.php?MTID=m6962bb91db07fcef8562a555139afff1

Der Vortrag wird auf Englisch gehalten.


Programmübersicht LIAG-Seminare