
Enhancing Geothermal Resources through Predictive Hydrochemical Modelling

The Thermal-Hydraulic-Chemical (THC) Prognostic Modelling project is focused on improving comprehension and control of geothermal resources. THC-Prognos aims to enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of geothermal energy extraction by utilizing sophisticated modeling techniques using extensive hydrochemical data from all over Germany to guarantee a dependable and eco-friendly energy supply for the future. The anticipated results of the THC-Prognos project are diverse, encompassing refined prognostic models for geothermal systems, more data availability via GeotIS, and more informed decision-making about geothermal energy production. The project is a cooperative endeavor that involves multiple partners, each providing their specialized knowledge to different facets of the project.

Project Lead

Deutsches Geoforschungs Zentrum GFZ
14473 Potsdam

Project Lead

Prof. Dr. Ingo Sass

GFZ Postdam


Project Cordinator

Dr. Pham Hung

TU Darmstadt

Duration and Support

The THC Project started in September 2023 and has a duration of 3 years funded by the 7th Energy research framework program of Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection of the Federal Republic of Germany (BMWK).