- Interest Group Geology & Geophysics (I3G). Executive Summary. 30.09.2020
AGEMAR, T.; BÄR, K.; WAGNER, B. - DESMEX: A novel system development for semi-airborne electromagnetic exploration. - Geophysics, 85(6), E239-E253.
BECKEN, M., NITTINGER, C., SMIRNOVA, M., STEUER, A:, MARTIN, T., PETERSEN, H., MEYER, U., MÖRBE, W., YOGESHWAR, P., TEZKAN, B., MATZANDER, U., FRIEDRICHS, B., ROCHLITZ, R., GÜNTHER, T., SCHIFFLER, M., STOLZ, R. & THE DESMEX WORKGROUP - Modeling, Simulation, and optimization of geothermal energy production from hot sedimentary aquifers. - Computational Geosciences, doi.org/10.1007/s10596-020-09989-8, 2020.
BLANK, L., MENESES RIOSECO, E., CAIAZZO, A. & WILBRANDT, U. - Erkundung des alpinen, glazial übertieften Basadingen-Beckens mithilfe von P-Wellen-Seismik. - Bachelorarbeit, 66 S.; Leibniz Universität Hannover.
BRANDT, A.-C. - Imaging glacial sediments and tectonics with a small-scale 3-D reflection seismic survey. - Near Surface Geoscience Conference & Exhibition 2020 30 August - 3 September 2020, Belgrade, Serbia.
BUNESS, H, BURSCHIL, T AND TANNER, D - S-wave seismic imaging of near-surface sediments using tailored processing strategies. - Journal of Applied Geophysics, 173, February 2020, 103927.
BURSCHIL, T. & BUNESS, H. - 3-D Multicomponent S-Wave Survey in the Tannwald Basin: Data Processing and Component Rotation. Near Surface Geosciences Conference & Exhibition 2020.
BURSCHIL, T., BUNESS, H. & SCHMELZBACH, C. - The chronostratigraphy of the Aurignacian in the northern Carpathian Basin based on new chronometric/archeological data from Seòa I (eastern Slovakia). Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, 3, 7796.
CHU, W., KAMINSKA, L., KLASEN, N., ZEEDEN, C., LENGYEL, G. - Frequency-domain electromagnetic induction for upscaling greenhouse gas fluxes in two hemiboreal drained peatland forests. - Journal of Applied Geophysics, 173, 103944.
CLEMENT, T., PÄRN, J., MADDISON, M., HOCINE, H., CHAUMONT, C., TOURNEBUZE, J., URI, V., ESPENBERG, M., GÜNTHER, T. & MANDER, U. - Seismological and geophysical signatures of the deep crustal magma systems of the Cenozoic volcanic fields beneath the Eifel, Germany. - Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 21, e2020GC009062.
DAHM, T., STILLER, M., MECHIE, J., HEIMANN, S., HENSCH, M., WOITH, H., SCHMIDT, B., GABRIEL, G. & WEBER, M. - Loess-paleosol sequences in the Kashmir Valley, NW Himalayas: A review . Frontiers in Earth Science, doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.00113
DAR, R. A., ZEEDEN, C. - The transition of very coarse-grained meandering to straight fluvial drainage systems in a tectonized foreland-basement landscape during the Holocene (SE Germany) A joint geomorphological-geological study. - Geomorphology 370: 107364.
DILL, H.G., BUZATU, A., BALABAN, S.-J., UFER, K., TECHMER, A., SCHEDLINSKY, W. & FÜSSL, M. - Die holozäne Abtragungsgeschichte und Talentwicklung im Umfeld des Kreuzberg-Pegmatits-Pleystein, Nord-Oberpfalz [Holocene erosion and valley subsidence in the surroundings of the Kreuzberg Pegmatite at Pleystein (Northern Oberpfalz)]. - Geologische Blätter von Nordostbayern 69: 37-55.
DILL, H.G., FÜSSL M., UFER, K., BALABAN, S., TECHMER, T. & REGER, W. - Application of adiabatic pulses for Magnetic Resonance Sounding - pulse shapes and resolution. - Journal of Applied Geophysics, 179, 104070.
DLUGOSCH, R. AND MÜLLER-PETKE.M - Can moisture content estimates from nuclear magnetic resonance improve optically stimulated luminescence dating - first results on Loess samples from Toshan/Iran. - In: EGU General Assembly 2020, 3.-8.5.2020, Vienna, Austria.
DLUGOSCH, R., ZEEDEN, C., LAUER, T. & TSUKAMOTO, S. - Predictability and controlling factors of overpressure in the North Alpine Foreland Basin, SE Germany: an interdisciplinary post‑drill analysis of the Geretsried GEN‑1 deep geothermal well. Geothermal Energy.
DREWS, M., HOFSTETTER, P., ZOSSEDER, K., SHIPILIN, V. & STOLLHOFEN, H. - A fast multi-exponential inversion of magnetic resonance sounding using iterative Lanczos bidiagonalization algorithm. - Journal of Applied Geophysics, 175, 103985.
FALLAHSAFARI, N., R. GHANATI, M.K. HAFIZI, M. MÜLLER-PETKE - The Loess-Palaeosol-Sequences of the Schwalbenberg (Middle Rhine Valley, Germany): Millennial-scale terrestrial ecosystem responses to Upper Pleistocene climatic changes. Catena.
FISCHER, P., JÖRIS, O., FITZSIMMONS, K., VINNEPAND, M., PRUDHOMME, C., SCHULTE, P., HATTE, C., HAMBACH, U., LINDAUER, S., ZEEDEN, C., PERIC, Z., LEHMKUHL, F., WUNDERLICH, S., WILKEN, D., SCHIRMER, W., VÖTT, A. - Editorial Board: Geologia Croatica, Journal of the Croatian Geological Survey and the Croatian Geological Society, 72/3: 163-222.
FRECHEN, M. - Benchmark study using a multi-scale, multi-methodological approach for the petrophysical characterization of reservoir sandstones. Solid Earth Discussions, SE-2020-47
HARUZI, P., KATSMAN, R., HALISCH, M., SPIRO, B., WALDMANN, N. - Paleoclimate records reveal elusive ~200-kyr eccentricity cycle for the first time. Global and Planetary Change, doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2020.103296.
HILGEN, F., ZEEDEN, C., LASKAR, J. - Utilizing pre-polarization to enhance SNMR signals - effect of imperfect switch-off. - Geophysical Journal International, 222 (2): 815-826.
HILLER, T., DLUGOSCH, R. & MÜLLER-PETKE, M. - Magnetic resonance tomography constrained by ground-penetrating radar for improved hydrogeophysical characterisation.- Geophysics 85(6), JM13-JM26.
JIANG, C., IGEL, J., DLUGOSCH, R., MÜLLER-PETKE, M., GÜNTHER, T., HELMS, J., LANG, J. & WINSEMANN, J. - Structural joint inversion on irregular meshes. - Geophysical Journal International, 220(3), 1995-2008.
JORDI, C., DOETSCH, J., GÜNTHER, T., SCHMELZBACH, C., MAURER, H. & ROBERTSSON, J. - A late Pliocene to early Pleistocene (3.32.1 Ma) orbital chronology for the Qaidam Basin paleolake (NE Tibetan Plateau) based on the SG-1b drillcore record. Newsletters on Stratigraphy.
KABOTH-BAHR, S., KOUTSODENDRIS, A., LU, Y., NAKAJIMA, K., ZEEDEN, C., APPEL, E., FANG, X., ROESSLER, W., FRIEDRICH, O., PROSS, J. - Loess records of environmental change. - Quaternary International, 552: 1-3. doi: doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2020.07.029.
KEHL, M., KHORMALI, F. & FRECHEN, M. - Pedogenic carbonates archive modern and past precipitation change - A transect study from soils and loess-paleosol sequences from northern Iran. - Quaternary International, 552, 79-90. doi: doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2019.12.011.
KHORMALI, F., SHAHRIARI, A., GHAFARPOUR, A., KEHL, M., LEHNDORFF, E. & FRECHEN, M. - ESR-thermochronometry of the Hida range of the Japanese Alps: Validation and future potential. - Geochronology Discussions, 2: 1-15.
KING, G.E., TSUKAMOTO, S., HERMAN, F., BISWAS, R.H., SUEOKA, S., TAGAMI, T. - Improving the accuracy of 1D surface nuclear magnetic resonance surveys using the multi-central-loop configuration. - Journal of Applied Geophysics, 177, 104042.
KREMER, T., M. MÜLLER-PETKE, H. MICHEL, R. DLUGOSCH, T. IRONS, T. HERMANS - Advantages in integrating rock-magnetic and colorimetric measurements for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions on loess-palaeosol sequences: A case study from northern Serbia for the last 430 ka. Virtual GeoUtrecht conference, 24.-26.8.2020
LAAG, C., ZEEDEN, C., HAMBACH, U., JOVANOVIC, M., MARKOVIC, S.B. - Loess landscapes of Europe mapping, geomorphology, and zonal differentiation. Earth-Science Reviews, doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103496
LEHMKUHL, F., NETT, J.J., PÖTTER, S., SCHULTE, P., SPRAFKE, T. JARY, Z., ANTOINE, P., WACHA, L., WOLF, D., ZERBONI, A., HOSEK, J., MARKOVIC, S.B., OBREHT, I., SÜMEGI, P., VERES, D., ZEEDEN, C., BOEMKE, B., SCHAUBERT, V., VIEHWEGER, J., HAMBACH, U. - Editorial: E&G Quaternary Science Journal a community-based open-access journal, E&G Quaternary Science Journal 68, 243244, doi.org/10.5194/egqsj-68-243-2020.
LÜTHGENS, C., SAUER, D., ZECH, M., BRIANT, B., BROWN, E., DIETZE, E., FUCHS, M., KLASEN, N., LUKAS, S., MAY, J.-H., MEISTER, J., REIMANN, T., RIXHON, G., RUSZKICZAY-RÜDIGER, Z., SALCHER, B., SPRAFKE, T., UNKEL, I., VON SUCHODOLETZ, H., AND ZEEDEN, C. (2020) - The geo(morpho)logical evolution of the Petrovaradin Fortress Palaeolithic site during the last ice age. Quaternary Research (accepted)
MARKOVIC, S.B., VANDENBERGHE, J., STEVENS, T., MIHAILOVIÆ, D., GAVRILOV, M.B., RADAKOVIÆ, M. G., ZEEDEN, C., OBREHT, I., BÖSKEN, J., LEHMKUHL, F. - Evaluation of spectral induced polarization field measurements in time and frequency Domain. - Journal of Applied Geophysics, 180: 104141.
MARTIN, T., GÜNTHER, T., FLORES OROZCO, A. & DAHLIN, T. - Geophysical exploration of a historical stamp mill deposit for the volume estimation of valuable residues. - Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 25(2): 275-286.
MARTIN, T., KUHN, K., GÜNTHER, T. & KNIESS, R. - Lithological correction of chemical weathering proxies based on K, Rb, and Mg contents for isolation of orbital signals in clastic sedimentary archives. Sedimentary Geology, doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2020.105717
MATYS GRYGAR, T., MACH, K., HRON, K., FAÈEVICOVÁ, K., MARTINEZ, M., ZEEDEN, C., SCHNABL, P - Von hydrothermal zu petrothermal Der Forschungsstandort Geretsried, Bohrung GEN-1ST-A1.
MOECK, I., DUSSEL, M., STRAUBINGER, R., KAHNT, R. & THIEM, S. - Geothermal play typing in Germany, case study Molasse Basin: a modern concept to categorise geothermal resources related to crustal permeability. - Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 98, e14, 10 p., doi.org/10.1017/njg.2019.12
MOECK, I., DUSSEL, M., WEBER, J., SCHINTGEN, T. & WOLFGRAMM, M. - The deep well GEN-1ST-A1 (Geretsried, Bavaria) Unlocking a geothermal reservoir. Oil Gas European Magazine, Vol 46, Band 1, Seiten 1-3, doi 10.19225/200311.
MOECK, I., STRAUBINGER, R., THURO, K., STOCKINGER, G. & DUSSEL, M - Structural style and neotectonic activity along the Harz Boundary Fault, northern Germany: a multimethod approach integrating geophysics, outcrop data and numerical simulations. International Journal of Earth Sciences (IJES) 109, 18111835, doi.org/10.1007/s00531-020-01874-0.
MÜLLER, K., POLOM, U., WINSEMANN, J., STEFFEN, H., TSUKAMOTO, S., GÜNTHER, T., IGEL, J., SPIES, T., LEGE, T., FRECHEN, M., FRANZKE, H.J. & BRANDES, C. - Structural style and neotectonic activity along the Harz boundary fault, northern Germany: Integrating high-resolution shear-wave seismics, outcrop data and numerical simulations. - International Journal of Earth Sciences, 109: 1811-1835. doi: doi.org/10.1007/s00531-020-01874-0.
MÜLLER, K., WINSEMANN, J., POLOM, U., STEFFEN, S., TSUKAMOTO, S., SPIES, T., LEGE, T., FRECHEN, M. & BRANDES, C. - Glacially-Induced Reactivation of Faults in Northern Germany, in: STEFFEN, H., OLESEN, O. & SUTINEN, R. (Eds.) Glacially-Triggered Faulting. Cambridge University Press.
MÜLLER, K., WINSEMANN, J., TANNER, D.C., LEGE, T., SPIES, T. & BRANDES, C. - Non-remote reference noise cancellation-using reference data in the presence of surface-NMR signals. - Journal of Applied Geophysics, 177, 104040.
MÜLLER-PETKE, M. - Bilinear pressure diffusion and termination of bilinear flow in a vertically fractured well injecting at constant pressure, Solid Earth - Special Issue: Faults, fractures, and fluid flow in the shallow crust, 11, 14231440, doi.org/10.5194/se-11-1423-2020, 2020.
PEREZ DONOSO, P.-I., ORTIZ ROJAS, A.-E., MENESES RIOSECO, E. - Early Holocene dust deposition in north-eastern Serbia: initial multi-proxy investigation of the Kisiljevo loess sequence. Quaternary International, doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2020.10.040.
PERIC, Z.M., MARKOVIC, S.B., AVRAM, A., TIMAR-GABOR, A., ZEEDEN, C., BÖSKEN, J., FISCHER, P., FITZSIMMONS, K., GAVILOV, M.B. - A post-IR IRSL chronology and dust mass accumulation rates of the Nosak loess-palaeosol sequence in north-eastern Serbia. Boreas, doi: 10.1111/bor.12459.
PERIC, Z.M., MARKOVIC, S.B., SIPOS, G., GAVRILOV, M.B., THIEL, C., ZEEDEN, C., MURRAY, A.S. - Milankovitch-scale paleoclimatic variability recorded in Permian loessite (south-central France). Virtual GeoUtrecht conference, 24.-26.8.2020
PFEIFER, L., HINNOV, L., ZEEDEN, C., ROLF, C., LAAG, C., SOREGHAN, G.S. - Rock magnetic cyclostratigraphy of Permian loess in eastern equatorial Pangea (Salagou Formation, south-central France). Frontiers in Earth Science, doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.00241
PFEIFER, L.S., HINNOV, L., ZEEDEN, C., ROLF, C., LAAG, C., SOREGHAN, G.S. - Studying glacial/interglacial cycles from downhole logging data: an application to the ICDP drilling project Lake Junín, Peru. Virtual GeoUtrecht conference, 24.-26.8.2020
PIERDOMINICI, S., ZEEDEN, C., KÜCK, J., RODBELL, D.T., ABBOTT, M.B. - Rate of soil Formation in Arenosols of dunes on Spikeroog Island (Germany). - Geoderma Regional 20, e00246. Doi: doi.org./10.1016/j.geodrs.2019.e00246.
POLLMANN, T., TSUKAMOTO, S., FRECHEN, M. & GIANI, L. - ESR dating of Chinese loess using the quartz Ti centre: A comparison with independent age control. - Quaternary International 556, 159-164.
RICHTER, M., TSUKAMOTO, S., LONG, H. - Analysis and open-source Implementation of Finite Element Modeling techniques for Controlled Source Electromagnetics, Dissertation, WWU Münster.
ROCHLITZ, R. - Monitoring freshwater-saltwater interfaces with SAMOS - installation effects on data and inversion. - Near Surface Geophysics, 18(4): 369-383.
RONCZKA, M., GÜNTHER, T., GRINAT, M. & WIEDERHOLD, H. - ICDP Workshop on the Lake Tanganyika Scientific Drilling Project: A late Miocene-present record of climate, rifting, and ecosystem evolution from the worlds oldest tropical lake. Scientific Drilling 27, 53-60, doi: 10.5194/sd-27-53-2020
RUSSELL, J. M., BARKER, P., COHEN, A., IVORY, S., KIMIREI, I., LANE, C., LENG, M., MAGANZA, N., MCGLUE, M., MSAKY, E., NOREN, A., PARK BOUSH, L., SALZBURGER, W., SCHOLZ, C., TIEDEMANN, R., NURU S., AND THE LAKE TANGANYIKA SCIENTIFIC DRILLING PROJECT (TSDP) CONSORTIUM (2020) [C. ZEEDEN AS PART OF LAKE TANGANYIKA SCIENTIFIC DRILLING PROJECT (TSDP) CONSORTIUM] - Applying astrochronology to reconstruct sedimentation rate and time from downhole logging data at Lake Chalco, Central México. Virtual GeoUtrecht conference, 24.-26.8.2020
SARDAR ABADI, M., ZEEDEN, C., ULFERS, A., HESSE, K., WONIK, T. (2020) - Environmental signals of Pliocene-Pleistocene climatic changes in Central Europe: Insights from the mineral magnetic record of the Heidelberg Basin sedimentary infill (Germany). - Global and Planetary Change, 187: 103112.
SCHEIDT, S., HAMBACH, U., HAO, Q., ROLF, C. & WENNRICH, V. - Von der Nekropole zum Siedlungsplatz. Bericht über die Grabungskampagnen 2018 und 2019 in der Petosiris-Nekropole von Tuna el-Gebel (From Necropolis to Settlement Site Report on the Excavation Campaigns of 2018 and 2019 in the Petosiris Necropolis of Tuna el-Gebel), Archäologischer Anzeiger 2020(1), 172-223
SCHLEHOFER, J. H., LEMBKE, K., CAPUTO, C., ERKUL, E., HABERLAND, R., MECKING, R., RABBEL, W., STÜMPEL, H., WESTPHALEN, K. - New Archaeomagnetic Secular Variation Data From Central Europe, I: Directions. - Geophysical Journal International, ggz492, doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggz492
SCHNEPP, E., THALLNER, D., ARNEITZ, P., MAURITSCH, H., SCHOLGER, R., ROLF, C. & LEONHARDT, L. - Hydrophobic Ceramic Membranes in MD Processes Impact of Material Selection and Layer Characteristics. Journal of Membrane Science. MEMSCI-D-20-01051
SCHNITTGER, J., MCCUTCHEON, J., HOYER, T., WEYD, M., FISCHER, G., PUHLFUERSS, P., HALISCH, M., VOIGT, I., LERCH, A. - Probability of success studies for geothermal projects in clastic reservoirs: From subsurface data to geological risk analysis. Geothermics, Vol 83: 101725, 12 Seiten, doi.org/10.1016/j.geothermics.2019.101725.
SCHUMACHER, S., PIERAU, R. & WIRTH, W. - Ambient noise analysis for characterizing sub-surface dynamic Parameters. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 712, 3rd National Conference on Wind & Earthquake Engineering and International Seminar On Sustainable Construction Engineering 1213 July 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 712 (2020) 012012 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1757-899X/712/1/012012
SETIAWAN, B., SAIDI, T.,YULIANNUR, A., POLOM, U., RAMAHDHANSYAH, P.J., AND ALI, M.I. - Investigating soil magnetic properties with pedogenic variation along a precipitation gradient in loess-derived soils of the Golestan province, northern Iran. - Quaternary International, 552, 100-110. doi: doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2019.11.022.
SHARIFIGARMDAREH, J., KHORMALI, F. SCHEIDT, S., ROLF, C., KEHL, M. & FRECHEN, M. - Multiphase, decoupled faulting in the southern German Molasse Basin evidence from 3D seismic data EGU Solid Earth,11, 20972117.
SHIPILIN, V., TANNER, D.C., VON HARTMANN, H. & MOECK, I. - Multiphase, decoupled faulting in the southern German Molasse Basin evidence from 3D seismic data. EGU Solid Earth Discussion Paper
SHIPILIN, V., TANNER, D.C., VON HARTMANN, H. & MOECK, I. - Airborne electromagnetic, magnetic and radiometric surveys at the German North Sea coast applied to groundwater and soil investigations. - Remote Sensing, 12, 1629.
SIEMON, B., IBS-VON SEHT, M, STEUER, A., DEUS, N. & WIEDERHOLD, H. - Coupled magnetic resonance and electrical resistivity tomography: An open-source toolbox for surface nuclear-magnetic resonance. - GEOPHYSICS 85 (3), F53-F64.
SKIBBE, R., ROCHLITZ, R., GÜNTHER, T., MÜLLER-PETKE, M. - Report on ICDP Deep Dust workshops: probing continental climate of the late Paleozoic icehousegreenhouse transition and beyond. Scientific Drilling 28, 93-112.
SOREGHAN, G.S., BECCALETO, L., BENISON, K.C., BOURQUIN, S., FEULNER, G., HAMAMURA, N., HAMILTON, M., HEAVENS, N.G., HINNOV, L. HUTTENLOCKER, A., LOOY, C., PFEIFER, L.S., POCAT, S., SARDAR ABADI, M., ZAMBITO, J., AND THE DEEPDUST WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTS - High energy inundation events versus long term coastal processes - room for misinterpretation. - Sedimentology, 67: 1460-1480.
SPISKE, M., GARCIA GARCIA, A.M., TSUKAMOTO, S., & SCHMIDT, V. - Comparison of novel semi-airborne electromagnetic data with multi-scale geophysical, petrophysical and geological data from Schleiz, Germany. - Journal of Applied Geophysics, 182, 104172.
STEUER, S., SMIRNOVA, M., BECKEN, M., SCHIFFLER, M., GÜNTHER, T., ROCHLITZ, R., YOGESHWAR, P., MÖRBE, W., SIEMON, B., COSTABEL, S., PREUGSCHAT, B., IBS-VON SEHT, M. ZAMPA, L.S. & MÜLLER, F. - Pedostratigraphy and chronology of the Late Pleistocene for the extra glacial area in the Central Russian Upland (reference section Aleksandrov Quarry). - Catena, 194: 104689 (1-15 pp).
SYCHEVA, S., FRECHEN, M., TERHORST, B., SEDOV, S. & KHOKHLOVA, O. - Intra-seasonal hydrological processes on the western Tibetan Plateau: Monsoonal and convective rainfall events at ~7.5 ka. - Quaternary International, 537: 9-23.
TAFT, L., WIECHERT, U., ALBRECHT, C., LEIPE, C., TSUKAMOTO, S., WILKE, T., ZHANG, H., & RIEDEL, F. - P- and S-wave reflection profiling for near-surface investigation of glacial sediments. - Journal of Applied Geophysics, 183, 104216.
TAMIRU, G. & WIEDERHOLD, H. - Understanding Faults: Detecting, Dating, and Modeling. 366pp, Elsevier. ISBN: 9780128159859
TANNER, D.C. & BRANDES, C. - Archaeology at the Kalambo Falls site. - In: 55 Chapters to get to know Zambia, Shimada & Oyama(Eds.), p. 71-72, Akashi Shoten,Tokyo.
TSUKAMOTO, S. - Chapter 8: Prehistory. - In: 55 Chapters to get to know Zambia, Shimada & Oyama(Eds.), p. 68-70, Akashi Shoten,Tokyo.
TSUKAMOTO, S. - Electron spin resonance (ESR) dating of quartz for sediment dating and ultralow temperature thermochronometry. - The Quaternary Research (Daiyonki Kenkyu)
TSUKAMOTO, S. - Direct dating of fault movement. - In: Tanner, D. & Brandes, C. (Eds.): Understanding Faults - Detecting, Dating, and Modeling. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2020.
TSUKAMOTO, S., TAGAMI, T., ZWINGMANN, H. - ESR and Radiocarbon Dating of Gut Strings from Early Plucked Instruments. - Methods and Protocols, 3: 13.
TSUKAMOTO, S., TAKEUCHI, T., TANI, A., MIYAIRI, Y. & YOKOYAMA, Y. - The paper for the 2018 Japan Association for Quaternary Research Academic Aword: Award: Electron spin resonance (ESR) dating of quartz for sediment dating and ultralow temperature thermochronometry, The Quaternary Research, 59, 119-127.
TSUKAMOTO. S - Chapter 7: Victoria Falls. - In: 55 Chapters to get to know Zambia, Shimada & Oyama(Eds.), p. 63-66, Akashi Shoten,Tokyo.
TSUKAMOTO.S - Age-depth model derived from borehole logging and seismic data - sedimentological evolution of Lake Ohrid (North Macedonia/Albania) for the last 1 million years. Virtual GeoUtrecht conference, 24.-26.8.2020
ULFERS, A., ZEEDEN, C., WAGNER, B., KRASTEL, S., WONIK, T. (2020) - Geophysikalisch-geologisch basiertes Reservoirengineering im Großraum München zur optimierten Reservoirerschließung. - Geothermische Energie, Heft 97, 22-23, 2020.
WADAS, S.H., BAUER, J.F., FADEL. M. & MOECK, I. - Ground instability of sinkhole areas indicated by elastic moduli and seismic attributes. - Geophysical Journal International, 222, 289-304, 2020.
WADAS, S.H., TSCHACHE, S., POLOM, U. & KRAWCZYK, C.M. - Chronostratigraphy of silt-dominated Pleistocene periglacial slope deposits on Mt. Sleza (SW, Poland): Palaeoenvironmental and pedogenic significance. - Catena 190 (2020) 104549. Doi: doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2020.104549.
WAROSZEWSKI, J., SPRAFKE, T., KABALA, C., MUSZTYFAGA, E., KOT, A., TSUKAMOTO, S. & FRECHEN, M. - Observing Ocean Mass Variability with Spring Gravimeters Storm Surge Induced Signals on the North Sea Island Helgoland. - AVN Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten; 2020(4): 163-173.
WEISE, A., TIMMEN, L., DENG, Z., GABRIEL, G., ROTHLEITNER, C., SCHILLING, M. & VOIGT, C. - Smoothed millennial-scale paleoclimatic reference data as unconventional comparison and correlation targets: Application to last glacial cycle European terrestrial records. Scientific Reports 10:5455.
ZEEDEN, C., OBREHT, I., VERES, D., KABOTH, S., HOSEK, J., MARKOVIC, S.B., BÖSKEN, J., LEHMKUHL, F., HAMBACH, U. - Carnian (Late Triassic) magnetostratigraphy from the Germanic Basin allowing global correlation of the Mid-Carnian Episode. - Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 541: 116275.