Publikationen 2021

Hier finden Sie die Publikationen vom LIAG, veröffentlicht im Jahr 2021: Artikel in referierten Zeitschriften, Monografien, Beiträge zu Sammelwerken, Artikel in sonstigen Zeitschriften, Proceedings sowie ausführliche Kurzfassungen (begutachtet).

  • Publikationen in referierten Zeitschriften

    ALAPPAT, L. FRECHEN, M., TSUKAMOTO, S., ANUPAMA, K., PRASAD, S., GOPAKUMAR, P.G. & SREE KUMAR, S. (2021): Evidences of early to mid-Holocene land-sea interactions and formation of Wetlands of Central Kerala in the south west coast of India. - Regional Studies in Marine Science, 48: 102009.

    ALBARIC, J., KUEHN, D., OHRNBERGER, D., LANGET, N., HARRIS, D., POLOM, U., LECOMTE, I. & HILLERS, G. (2021): Seismic monitoring of permafrost in Svalbard, Arctic. - Seismological Research Letters, 92(5): 2891-2904.

    AL-HALBOUNI, D., WATSON, R. A., HOLOHAN, E. P., MEYER, R., POLOM, U., DOS SANTOS, F. M., COMAS, X., ALRSHDAN, H., KRAWCZYK, C. M. & DAHM, T. (2021): Dynamics of hydrological and geomorphological processes in evaporite karst at the eastern Dead Sea – a multidisciplinary study. - Hydrology and EarthSystem Sciences, 25: 3351-3395.

    ATTWA, M., MAHMOUDI, A., ELSHENNAWEY, A., GÜNTHER, T., ALTAHRANY, A. & LAMEES, M. (2021): Soil Characterization Using Joint Interpretation of Remote Sensing, Resistivity and Induced Polarization Data along the Coast of the Nile Delta.  - Natural Resources Research: 1-22.

    CARRILLO DE LA CRUZ, J.L., PROL-LEDESMA, R.M. & GABRIEL, G. (2021): Geostatistical mapping of the depth to the bottom of magnetic sources and heat flow estimations in Mexico. - Geothermics, 97: 102225.

    CONSTANTIN, D., MASON, J.A., VERES, D., HAMBACH, U., PANAIOTU, C., ZEEDEN, C., ZHOU, L., MARKOVIÆ, S.B., GERASIMENKO, N., AVRAM, A., TECSA, V., SACACIU-GROZA, S.M., DEL VALLE VILLALONGA, L., BEGY, R. & TIMAR-GABOR, A. (2021): OSL-dating of the Pleistocene-Holocene climatic transition in loess from China, Europe and North America, and evidence for accretionary pedogenesis. - Earth-Science Reviews: 103769.

    COSTABEL, S. & HILLER, T. (2021): Soil hydraulic interpretation of nuclear magnetic resonance measurements based on circular and triangular capillary models. - Vadose Zone Journal, 20(2): 1-21.

    DILL, H.G. & TECHMER, A. (2021): Heavy and light marker minerals around the East African Rite System (EARS) with special reference to the evolution of Zanzibar Island, Tanzania. - Journal of African Earth Sciences, 181: 104199.

    EBERTS, A., FAZLIKHANI, H., BAUER, W., STOLLHOFEN, H., DE WALL, H. & GABRIEL, G. (2021): Late to post-Variscan differential uplift and basement segmentation along the SW Bohemian Massif, Central Europe. - Solid Earth, 12: 2277-2301.

    GHANATI, R. & MÜLLER-PETKE, M. (2021): A homotopy continuation inversion of geoelectrical sounding data. - Journal of Applied Geophysics, 191(3): 104356.

    GONZÁLEZ, E., DEUS, N., ELBRACHT, J, RAHMAN, M.A., WIEDERHOLD, H. (2021): Current and future state of groundwater salinization of the northern Elbe-Weser region. - Grundwasser – Zeitschrift der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie, 26: 1-14.

    GONZÁLEZ, E., DEUS, N., ELBRACHT, J., SIEMON, B., STEUER, A. & WIEDERHOLD, H. (2021): Modellierung der küstennahen Grundwasserversalzung in Niedersachsen abgeleitet aus aeroelektromagnetischen Daten. - Grundwasser – Zeitschrift der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie, 26: 73-85.

    HARUZI, P., KATSMANN, M., HALISCH, M., WALMANN, N. & SPIRO, B. (2021): Benchmark study using a multi-scale, multi-methodological approach for the petro-physical characterization of reservoir sandstones. - Solid Earth, 12: 665-689.

    HEIN, M., URBAN, B., TANNER, D.C., BUNESS, A.H., TUCCI, M., HOELZMANN, P. et al. (2021): Eemian landscape response to climatic shifts and evidence for northerly Neanderthal occupation at a palaeolake margin in northern Germany. - Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 46(14): 2882-2901.

    HILLER, T., COSTABEL, S., RADIC, T., DLUGOSCH, R. & MÜLLER-PETKE, M. (2021):  Feasibility study on prepolarized surface nuclear magnetic resonance for soil moisture measurements. - Vadose Zone Journal, 20: e20138.

    HILLER, T., COSTABEL, S., DLUGOSCH, R. & MÜLLER-PETKE, M. (2021): First measurements of surface nuclear magnetic resonance signals without an oscillating excitation pulse - exploiting non-adiabatic prepolarization switch-off. - Geophysical Research Letters, 48(23): e2021GL095371.

    HUANG, H., GAO, Y., MA, C., JONES, M.M., ZEEDEN, C., IBARRA, D.E., WU, H. & WANG, C. (2021): Organic carbon burial is paced by a ~173-ka obliquity cycle in the middle to high latitudes. - Science Advances, 7(28): 1-10.

    KABOTH-BAHR, S., BAHR, A., ZEEDEN, C., YAMOAHA, K., LONE, M., CHUANG, C.-K., LÖWEMARK, L. & WEI, K.-Y. (2021): A tale of shifting relations: East Asian summer and winter monsoon variability during the Holocene. - Scientific Reports, 11: 6938.

    KARLE, M., FRECHEN, M. & WEHRMANN, A. (2021): Geological long-term preconditions controlling the impact of medieval stormflood events in the western Jade Bay (southern North Sea). - Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (ZDGG), 172(4): 429-443.

    KAWAKAMI, T., SUEOKA, S., YOKOYAMA, T., KAGAMI, S., KING, G.E., HERMAN, F., TSUKAMOTO, S. & TAGAMI, T. (2021): Solidification depth and crystallization age of the Shiaidani Granodiorite: constraints to the average denudation rate of the Hida Range, central Japan. - Island Arc, 30(1): e12414.

    KEHL, M., VLAMINCK, S., KÖHLER, T., LAAG, C., ROLF, C., TSUKAMOTO, S., FRECHEN, M., SUMITA, M., SCHMINCKE, H.-U. & KHORMALI, F. (2021): Pleistocene dynamics of dust accumulation and soil formation in the southern Caspian Lowlands – New insights from the loess-paleosol sequence at Neka-Abelou, northern Iran. - Quaternary Science Reviews, 253: 106774.

    LAAG, C., HAMBACH, U., ZEEDEN, C., LAGROIX, F., GUYODO, Y., VERES, D., JOVANIVIC, M. & MARKOVIC, S.B. (2021): A Detailed Paleoclimate Proxy Record for the Middle Danube Basin Over the Last 430 kyr: A Rock Magnetic and Colorimetric Study of the Zemun Loess-Paleosol Sequence. - Frontiers in Earth Science, 9: 600086.

    LEHMKUHL, F., NETT, J.J., PÖTTER, S., SCHULTE, P., SPRAFKE, T., JARY, Z., ANTOINE, P., WACHA, L., WOLF, D., ZERBONI, A., HOŠEK, J., MARKOVIĆ, S.B., OBREHT, I., SÜMEGI, P., VERES, D., ZEEDEN, C., BOEMKE, B., SCHAUBERT, V., VIEHWEGER, J. & HAMBACH, U. (2021): Loess landscapes of Europe – Mapping, geomorphology, and zonal differentiation. - Earth-Science Reviews: 103496.

    MARTIN, T., GÜNTHER, T., WELLER, A. & KUHN, K. (2021): Classification of slag material by spectral induced polarization laboratory and field measurements. - Journal of Applied Geophysics, 194: 104439.

    MECKING, R., KÖHN, D., MEINECKE, M. & RABBEL, W. (2021): Cavity detection by SH-wave Full Waveform Inversion – A reflection-focused approach. - Geophysics, 86(3): 1MJ-WA152.

    MECKING, R., MEINECKE, M., ERKUL, E., PIRSON, F. & RABBEL, W. (2021): The Yıgma Tepe of Pergamon: Internal construction of a monumental burial mound from shear wave reflection sounding and wavefield modelling. - Archaeological Prospection, 28(2): 221-249.

    MOLNAR, D., SÜMEGI, P., MAKÓ, L., CSEH, P., ZEEDEN, C., NETT, J., LEHMKUHL, F., TÖRŐCSIK, T. & SÜMEGI, B.P. (2021): Paleoecological background of the Gravettian site of Ságvár, Hungary: radiocarbon dated malacological and sedimentological studies on the Late Pleistocene environment. - Journal of Quaternary Sciences, 36 (8): 1-11.

    MOOSDORF, N., BÖTTCHER, M.E., ADYASARI, D., ERKUL, E., GILFEDDER, B.S., GRESKOWIAK, J., JENNER, A.-K., KOTWICKI, L., MASSMANN, G., OEHLER, T., MÜLLER-PETKE, M., POST, V., PRIEN, R., SCHOLTEN, J., SIEMON, B., VON AHN, C. M., WALTHER, M., WASKA, H., WUNDERLICH, T. & MALLAST, U. (2021): A state-of-the-art perspective on the characterization of subterranean estuaries at the regional scale. - Frontiers in Earth Science, 9: 1-95.

    NETT, J.J., CHU, W., FISCHER, P., KLASEN, N., ZEEDEN, C., HAMBACH, U., OBREHT, I., PÖTTER, S., OBROCKI, L., VÖTT, A., MIHAILOVIC, D., MARKOVIĆ, S.B. & LEHMKUHL, F. (2021): Early settlement patterns inferred from multi-method investigation of the early Upper Paleolithic site of Crvenka-At (Vršac, Serbia). - Frontiers in Earth Science, 9: 1-56.

    NOROOZ, R., OLSSON, P.-I., DAHLIN, T., GÜNTHER, T. & BERNSTONE, C. (2021): A geoelectrical pre-study of Älvkarleby test embankment dam: 3D forward modelling and effects of structural constraints on the 3D inversion model of zoned embankment dams. - Journal of Applied Geophysics, 191: 104355.

    PIVETTA, T., BRAITENBERG, C., GABROVŠEK, F., GABRIEL, G. & MEURERS, B. (2021): Gravity as a tool to improve the hydrologic mass budget in karstic areas. - Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 25(11): 6001-6021.

    RAHIMZADEH, N., SPRAFKE, T., THIEL, C., TERHORST, B. & FRECHEN, M. (2021): A comparison of polymineral and K-feldspar post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence ages of loess from Franconia, southern Germany. - E&G Quaternary Science Journal, 70: 53-71.

    RAHIMZADEH, N., TSUKAMOTO, S., ZHANG, J., & LONG, H. (2021): Natural and laboratory dose response curves of quartz violet stimulated luminescence (VSL): Exploring the multiple aliquot regenerative dose (MAR) protocol. - Quaternary Geochronology Journal, 65: 101194.

    RAHMAN, M.A., ZHAO, Q., WIEDERHOLD, H., SKIBBE, N., GONZÁLEZ, E., DEUS, N., SIEMON, B., KIRSCH, R. & ELBRACHT, J. (2021): Coastal groundwater systems: Mapping chloride distribution from borehole and geophysical data. - Grundwasser – Zeitschrift der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie, 26: 191-206.

    RICHTER, M. & TSUKAMOTO, S. (2021): Investigation of quartz ESR residual signals in the last glacial and early Holocene fluvial deposits from the Lower Rhine. - Geochronology: in press.

    ROCHLITZ, R., SEIDEL, M. & BÖRNER, R.-U. (2021): Evaluation of three approaches for simulating 3-D time-domain electromagnetic data. - Geophysical Journal International, 227(3): 1980-1995.

    SCHEIDT, S., BERG S., HAMBACH, U., KLASEN, N., PÖTTER, S., STOLZ, A., VERES, D., ZEEDEN, C., BRILL, D., BRÜCKNER, H., KUSCH, S., LAAG, C., LEHMKUHL, F., MELLES, M., MONNENS, F., OPPERMANN, L., RETHEMEYER, J. & NETT, J.J. (2021): Chronological Assessment of the Balta Alba Kurgan Loess-Paleosol Section (Romania) – A Comparative Study on Different Dating Methods for a Robust and Precise Age Model. - Frontiers in Earth Science, 8(1): 589448.

    SCHEIDT, S., EGLI, R., LENZ, M., ROLF, C., FABIAN, K. & MELLES, M. (2021): Mineral Magnetic Characterization of high-latitude Sediments from Lake Levinson-Lessing, Siberia. - Geophysical Research Letters: 1-10.

    SCHINTGEN, T. & MOECK, I. (2021): The interplay of Malm carbonate permeability, gravity-driven groundwater flow, and paleoclimate – implications for the geothermal field and potential in the Molasse Basin (southern Germany), a foreland-basin play. - Geothermal Energy, 9: 25.

    SCHMIDT, C., ZEEDEN, C., KRAUß, L., LEHMKUHL, F. & ZÖLLER, L. (2021):  A chronological and palaeoenvironmental re-evaluation of two loess-palaeosol records in the northern Harz foreland (Germany) based on innovative modelling tools. - Boreas, 50: 746-763.

    SHU, Q., ZHAO, Y., FRECHEN, M., ZHANG, J., CHEN, Y., LIU, Y. & YANG, P. (2021): Chronology of a sedimentary sequence from the land-ocean interaction zone in the North Jiangsu Basin. - Quaternary International, 580: 78-86.

    SKIBBE, N., GÜNTHER, T. & MÜLLER-PETKE, M. (2021): Improved hydrogeophysical imaging by structural coupling of two-dimensional magnetic resonance and electrical resistivity tomography. - Geophysics, 86(5): WB135-WB146.

    SOLLEIRO-ROBOLLEDO, E., SEDOV, S., TERHORST, B., LOPEZ-MARTINEZ, R., DIAZ-ORTEGA, J., DIAZ-HERNANDEZ, Y., VALERA-FERNANDEZ, D., CABADAS-BAEZ, H. & TSUKAMOTO, S. (2021): Late Quaternary paleosols and landscape evolution in dune systems of Veracruz at the Gulf of Mexico coast. - Quaternary International: in press.

    SÜMEGI, P., Gulyás, S., Molnar, D., Bosco, B., Fekete, I., Makó, L., Cseh, P., Molnár, M., Sümegi, B.P., Almond, P., Zeeden, C., Törőcsik, T., Nett, J.J., Lehmkuhl, F. & Markó, A. (2021): New chronology and extended paleoenvironmental data to the 1975 loess profile of Madaras brickyard, South Hungary. - Journal of Quaternary Sciences, 36(8): 1364-1381.

    TSUKAMOTO, S., OPPERMANN, F., AUTZEN, M., RICHTER, M., Bailey, M., Ankjaergard, C. & Jain, M. (2021): Response of the Ti and Al electron spin resonance signals in quartz to X-ray irradiation. - Radiation Measurements, 149: 106676.

    ULFERS, A., HESSE, K., ZEEDEN, C., RUSSELL, J.M., VOGEL, H., BIJAKSANA, S. & WONIK, T. (2021): Cyclostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental inference from downhole logging of sediments in tropical Lake Towuti, Indonesia. - Journal of Paleolimnology, 65: 377-392.

    VAN VLIET-LANOE, B., HÉRISSON, D., DABROWSKI, E., AUTHEMAYOU, C., FRECHEN, M., HALLÉGOUET, B. & PARIS, F. (2021): Le gisement paléolithique inférieur de Pen Hat (Crozon, Bretagne) et son context stratigraphique regional. - Quaternaire, 32: 61-92.

    VOUCHER, R., DASHTGARD, S.E., HORNG, C.-S., ZEEDEN, C., DILLINGER, A., PAN, Y.-Y., SETIAJI, R.A., CHI, W.-R. & LÖWEMARK, L. (2021): Insolation-paced sea level and sediment flux during the early Pleistocene in Southeast Asia. - Nature Scientific Reports: 16707.

    WACHA, L., LAAG, C., GRIZELI, A., TSUKAMOTO, S., ZEEDEN, C., IVANIEVIÆ, D., ROLF, C., BANAK, A. & FRECHEN, M. (2021): High-resolution palaeoenvironmental reconstruction at Zmajevac (Croatia) over the last three glacial/interglacial cycles. - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 576: 110504.

    WAWERZINEK, B., BUNESS, H., VON HARTMANN, H. & TANNER, D.C. (2021): S-wave experiments for the exploration of a deep geothermal carbonate reservoir in the German Molasse Basin. - Geothermal Energy, 9: 6.

    WAROSZEWSKI, J., PIETRANIK, A., SPRAFKE, T., KABAŁA, C., FRECHEN, M., JARY, Z., KOT, A., TSUKAMOTO, S., MEYER-HEINTZE, S., KRAWCZYK, M., ŁABAZ, B., SCHULTZ, B. & ERBAN KOCHERGINA, Y.V. (2021): Provenance and paleoenvironmental context of the Late Pleistocene thin aeolian silt mantles in southwestern Poland – A widespread parent material for soils. - CATENA, 204: 105377.

    WEI, H., WANG, L., AZARMDEL, H., KHORMALI, F., FRECHEN, M., LI, G. & CHEN, F. (2021): Quartz OSL dating of loess deposits since the late glacial in the Southeast of Caspian Sea. - Quaternary International, 583: 39-47.

    WERTHMÜLLER, D., ROCHLITZ, R., CASTILLO-REYES, O. & HEAGY, L. (2021): Towards an open-source landscape for 3-D CSEM modelling. - Geophysical Journal International, 227(1): 644-659.

    WIEDERHOLD, H., KALLESØE, A.J., KIRSCH, R., MECKING, R., PECHNIG, R. & SKOWRONEK, F. (2021): Geophysical methods help to assess potential groundwater extraction sites. - Grundwasser – Zeitschrift der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie, 26: 367-378.

    WOUTERS, S., CRUCIFIX, M., SINNESAEL, M., DA SILVA, A.-C., ZEEDEN, C., ZIVANOVIC, M., BOULVAIN, F. & DEVLEESCHOUWER, X. (2021): A Decomposition Approach to Cyclostratigraphic Signal Processing. - Earth-Science Reviews: in press.

    ZAHOREC, P., PAPČO, J., PAŠTEKA, R., BIELIK, M., BONVALOT, S., BRAITENBERG, C., EBBING, J., GABRIEL, G., GOSAR, A., GRAND, A., GÖTZE, H.-J., HETÉNYI, G., HOLZRICHTER, N., KISSLING, E., MARTI, U., MEURERS, B., MRLINA, J., NOGOVÁ, E., PASTORUTTI, A., SCARPONI, M., SEBERA, J., SEOANE, L., SKIBA, P., SZÛCS, E. & VARGA, M. (2021): The first pan-Alpine surface gravity database, a modern compilation that crosses frontiers. - Earth System Science Data, 13: 2165-2209.

    ZEEDEN, C. & HAMBACH, U.F. (2021): Magnetic Susceptibility Properties of Loess From the Willendorf Archaeological Site: Implications for the Syn/Post-Depositional Interpretation of Magnetic Fabric. - Frontiers in Earth Science, 8: 599491.

    ZEEDEN, C., HAMBACH, U., KLASEN, N., FISCHER, P., SCHULTE, P., NETT, J. J., VERES, D., OBREHT, I., CHU, W., PAPADOPOULOU, M., VIEHBERG, F., SCHÄBITZ, F., GAVRILOV, M. B., MARKOVIĆ, S. B., VÖTT, A. & LEHMKUHL, F. (2021): Sedimentology of a Late Quaternary lacustrine record from the south-eastern Carpathian Basin. - Journal of Quaternary Science, 36(8): 1414-1425.

    ZEEDEN, C., MIR, J.A., VINNEPAND, M., LAAG, C., ROLF, C. & DAR, R.A. (2021): Local mineral dust transported by varying wind intensities forms the main substrate for loess in Kashmir/India. - E&G Quaternary Science Journal, 70: 191–195.

  • Monographien / Sammelbände

    MÜLLER, K., WINSEMANN, J., TANNER, D.C., LEGE, T., SPIES, T. & BRANDES, C. (2021): Glacially-Induced Reactivation of Faults in Northern Germany. In: Steffen, H., Olesen, O. & Sutinen, R. (Eds.): Glacially-Triggered Faulting. 283–303, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

    SCHEIDT, S., ZEEDEN, C., HAMBACH, U., MELLES (2021): Paleomagnetism and environmental magnetism. In: Litt, T., Richter, J., & Schäbitz (Eds): The Journey of Modern Humans from Africa to Europe by  ISBN: 978-3-510-65534-2.

  • Weitere Publikationen in Fachzeitschriften und Proceedings

    DUSSEL, M., MOECK, I. & STRAUBINGER, R. (2021): Grüne Wärme aus großer Tiefe: Das Forschungsprojekt ZoKrateS - (individuell). - bbr, 4:  6-21.

    GRINAT, M., RONCZKA, M., GÜNTHER, T., EPPING, D., KIPKE, V. & MÜLLER-PETKE, M. (2021): Long-term monitoring of coastal saltwater intrusion using the geoelectrical monitoring system SAMOS. - Proceedings EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts: EGU21-9379.

    MARTIN, T., PAUW, P.S., KAROULIS, M., MENDOZA, A. GÜNTHER, T., MELDGAARD MADSEN, L., MAURYA, P.K. , DOETSCH, J.,  REJKJÆR, S., DAHLIN, T. & FIANDACA, G. (2021): Inversion of Hydraulic Conductivity from Induced Polarisation, Part B: Field Examples from Five Countries. - EarthDoc, Near Surface Geoscience, 1st Conference on Hydrogeophysics, 2021: 1-5.  

    RIOSECO, E.M. & DUSSEL, M. (2021): Sustainable Geothermal Energy Development for District Heating in Big Metropolises by Means of Optimized Geothermal Reservoir Management: A Case Study from Munich (Germany). - Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2020+1,

    MOECK, I., HANSEN, C., ACHILLES, H., FRANZ, M. & SÄVECKE, T.-T. (2021): Forschung für die Wärmewende in Hamburg Wilhelmsburg. - Geothermische Energie, 100: 1-4. 

    MUNOZ, M., RIOSECO, E.M. & MORATA, D. (2021): Geothermal Potential to Meet Heat Demand in Magallanes, Chilean Patagonia. - Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2020+1.

    SALGUERO, L.S. & RIOSECO, E.M. (2021): Identification of Magmatic Intrusions Through Integrated Geophysical Methods. A Contribution for a Sustainable Geothermal Energy Development: Borinquen Geothermal Project - Central America Case Study. - Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2020+1.

    SCHENNEN, S., NORMAN WAGNER, GÜNTHER, T. & IGEL, J. (2021): Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy with Coaxial Transmission Line Technique - A new inversion Approach. - Proceedings ISEMA 2021. DOI: 10.1109/ISEMA49699.2021.9508321

    STEFANI, E., MUNOZ, M., MORATA, D., ROJAS, L. & RIOSECO, E.M. (2021): Rehabilitation of Petroleum Wells as Borehole Heat Exchangers to Provide Heat for District Heating Networks in Small Towns or Villages: Case Study in Magallanes Basin, Chilean Patagonia. - Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2020+1.


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Vorträge 2021