Hier finden Sie die Vorträge (eingeladen, extern, intern) und Seminare, die vom LIAG im Jahr 2021 gehalten wurden sowie wissenschaftliche Poster.
ABBAS, W., ZHANG, J., TSUKAMOTO, S., ALI, S., FRECHEN, M. & REICHERTER, K. (2021): Active tectonics of the Kalabagh Fault in Pakistan: Implications from morphotectonics and luminescence dating. - 2nd International Conference on Quaternary Sciences, 05.-07.09.2021; Digital.
AGEMAR, T. (2021): 3D-Temperature Estimation Using Geostatistical Methods. - World Geothermal Congress, 30.03.-27.10.2021; Digital.
AGEMAR, T. (2021): Improving Bottom-Hole Temperature Corrections on the Basis of Statistical Correlations. - World Geothermal Congress, 30.03.-27.10.2021; Reykjavik, hybrid.
AGEMAR, T. (2021): ArtemIS – Ausbau des Geothermischen Informationssystems GeotIS zum Internetportal für die Wärmewende in Deutschland. - Der Geothermiekongress (DGK), 30.11.-02.12.2021; Digital.
ALMS, K., AGEMAR, T. & MOECK, I. (2021): Heat refraction in the North German Basin. - Der Geothermie Kongress (DGK), 30.11.-02.12.2021; Digital.
ANSELMETTI, F., PREUSSER, F., FIEBIG, M., GABRIEL, G. & DOVE Science Team (2021): DOVE – Drilling Overdeepened Alpine Valleys. - EGU Conference, ICDP-IODP/ECORD Town Hall Meeting, 27.04.2021; Digital.
BAUER, J. (2021): Charakterisierung eines heterogenen geothermischen Reservoirs basierend auf geophysikalischen Bohrlochmessungen. - LIAG-Seminar, 02.11.2021; Hannover, hybrid.
BAUER, J., PFRANG, D. & KRUMBHOLZ, M. (2021): Characterisation of a highly heterogeneous geothermal reservoir based on geophysical well logs. - EGU General Assembly 2021, 26.04.-30.04.2021; Digital.
BRANDES, C., WADAS, S., TANNER, D. & GABRIEL, G. (2021): Meet the Scientist: Erdbeben im Fokus. - November der Wissenschaft, 04.11.2021; Digital.
BUNESS, H., THOMAS, R., MENESES RIOSECO, E., VON HARTMANN, H., ZIESCH, J. & WAWERZINEK, B. (2021): Interdisciplinary Research for a Geothermal Carbonate Reservoir. - World Geothermal Congress, 11.05.2021; Digital.
BUNESS, H. & BURSCHIL, T. (2021): Reprocessing of reflection seismic data to highlight near-surface glacio-tectonic deformation. - Near Surface Geoscience Conference & Exhibition, 30.08.-01.09.2021; Bordeaux, France.
BURSCHIL, T., BUNESS, H., LEINEWEBER, P. & POLOM, U. (2021): Results of performance tests of electrodynamic vibratory seismic sources. - Near Surface Geoscience Conference & Exhibition, 30.08.-01.09.2021; Bordeaux, France.
CONSTANTIN, D., MASON, J., HAMBACH, U., VERES, D., PANAIOTU, C., ZEEDEN, C., ZHOU, L., MARKOVIĆ, S.B., GERASIMENKO, N., AVRAM, A., TECSA, V., SACACIU-GROZA, S.M., DEL VALLE VILLALONGA, L., KELEMEN, S. & TIMAR-GABOR, A. (2021): Accretional soil formation in northern hemisphere loess regions – evidence from OSL-dating of the P/H climatic transition from China, Europe and North America. - EGU General Assembly, 19-30.04.2021; Digital.
FRECHEN, M. (2021): Opening Ceremony. - 2nd International Conference on Quaternary Sciences, 05.-07.09.2021; Digital. Eingeladener Vortrag.
GABRIEL, G., ANSELMETTI, F., PREUSSER, F., FIEBIG, M. & DOVE Science Team (2021): DOVE: Current Status and Achievements in 2021. - AGU conference, ICDP-CSD Facility Town Hall meeting, 13.12.2021; Digital.
GABRIEL, G., SIEMON, B., BUNESS, H., BURSCHIL, T., GRINAT, M., TANNER, D.C., WIEDERHOLD, H. & WONIK, T. (2021): Glazial übertiefte Rinnen und Täler: Geophysikalische Beiträge zur strukturellen und hydrogeologischen Erkundung. - Keynote im BGE/BGR-Fachworkshop „Subglaziale Rinnen und ihre Bedeutung für die Langzeitsicherheit eines Endlagers für radioaktive Abfälle“, Geozentrum Hannover, 09.-10.12.2021; Digital. Eingeladener Vortrag.
GABRIEL, G., BURSCHIL, T., BÜCHI, M., SCHUSTER, B. & BERAUS, S. (2021): Erforschung der Klimaentwicklung im Alpenraum: Stand der Arbeiten des ICDP-Projekts DOVE und zukünftige Forschung. - LIAG-Seminar, 14.12.2021; Hannover/hybrid.
GABRIEL, G., POLOM, U., TANNER, D. C., WADAS, S., IGEL, J. & TSUKAMOTO, S. (2021): How can near surface geophysics and new dating methods contribute to neotectonic investigations? A LIAG perspective. - Workshop Intraplate Active Tectonics and Seismicity in Central/Western Europe, 23.03.2021; Digital.
GHAFARPOUR, A., KHORMALI, F., ROLF, C., TAZIKEH, M., KEHL, M., FRECHEN, M. & ZEEDEN, C. (2021): Pedogenesis - a likely process to explain the magnetic properties of the Late Pleistocene loess-paleosol sequence at Chenarli, northeastern Iran. - 2nd International Conference on Quaternary Sciences, 05.-07.09.2021; Digital.
GRINAT, M., RONCZKA, M., EPPING, D., KIPKE, V. & MEYER, R. (2021): Langzeitüberwachung mit dem Salzwasser-Monitoring-System (SAMOS). - LIAG-Seminar, 27.04.2021; Digital.
GRINAT, M., RONCZKA, M., GÜNTHER, T., EPPING, D., KIPKE, V. & MÜLLER-PETKE, M. (2021): Long-term monitoring of coastal saltwater intrusion using the geoelectrical monitoring system SAMOS. - EGU General Assembly, 19.-30.04.2021; Digital.
GÜNTHER, T. (2021): Induced polarization modelling and inversion with pyGIMLi and pyBERT. - Workshop Induced Polarization, 11.-12.10.2021; Digital.
GÜNTHER, T., BALZA, A., WAGNER, F. & RÜCKER, C. (2021): Improving the plausibility of geophysical tomograms through joint inversion, advanced regularization and a direct link to geological modeling. - SEG-Workshop 3D Computer Geologic Modeling for Geophysicists and How to Integrate Geologic and Geophysical Computer Earth Modeling, 30.09.2021; Digital.
GÜNTHER, T. & MARTIN, T. (2021): Comparison of measuring strategies for frequency- and time-domain induced polarization. - Workshop Induced Polarization, 11.-12.10.2021; Digital.
GÜNTHER, T., RONCZKA, M., IGEL, J. & MÜLLER-PETKE, M. (2021): Die geophysikalische Charakterisierung von Salzwasser-Süßwasser-Grenzflächen. - LIAG-Seminar, 30.11.2021; Hannover, hybrid.
GÜNTHER, T., RONCZKA, M., KOTOWSKI, P., ROCHLITZ, R. & MÜLLER-PETKE, M. (2021): A new drone-based semi-airborne electromagnetic system for mapping saltwater-freshwater interfaces. - Near Surface Geosciences, 30.08.-01.09.2021; Bordeaux, France.
GÜNTHER, T., WAGNER, F., RÜCKER, C. & BALZA, A. (2021): Geophysical modeling and inversion with pyGIMLi – a hands-on tutorial. - TRANSFORM 2021, 02.-05.11.2021; Digital.
HALISCH, M. & ZEEDEN, C. (2021): Anisotrope Eigenschaften von Gesteinen. - LIAG-Seminar, 02.03.2021; Digital.
HILLER, T., COSTABEL, S., DLUGOSCH, R., RADIC, T. & MÜLLER-PETKE, M. (2021): Measuring Soil Moisture Using Surface-NMR With Prepolarization. - Near Surface Geoscience Conference & Exhibition, 30.08.-01.09.2021; Bordeaux, France.
KEHL, M., FRECHEN, M. & KHORMALI, F. (2021): Aeolian records in the Southern Caspian Lowlands, Iran – an overview. - 2nd International Conference on Quaternary Sciences, 05.-07.09.2021; Digital.
KHORMALI, F., KEHL, M. & FRECHEN, M. (2021): Modern pedogenesis on loess along a climate gradient in Northern Iran. - 2nd International Conference on Quaternary Sciences, 05.-07.09.2021; Digital.
LAAG, C., WACHA, L., RYZNER, K., ZEEDEN, C., ROLF, C., LAGROIX, F., GUYODO, Y., TSUKAMOTO, S., FRECHEN, M. (2021): 350 kyrs of increasing aridity reflected by geophysical proxies from the LPS of Zmajevac, Croatia. - EGU General Assembly, 19.-30.04.2021; Digital.
LEU, K., WONIK, T. & ZEEDEN, C. (2021): Analyses of geophysical borehole data of Prees-2 (England) as part of the ICDP JET project. - GeoKarlsruhe2021, 19.-24.09.2021; Digital.
LEU, K., WONIK, T. & ZEEDEN, C. (2021): First insights into analyses of geophysical borehole data of Prees-2 (England) as part of the ICDP JET project. - LIAG-Seminar, 11.05.2021; Digital.
LEU, K., WONIK, T. & ZEEDEN, C. (2021): First insights into analyses of geophysical borehole data of Prees-2 (England) as part of the ICDP JET project. - SEG Workshop, 05.03.2021; Digital.
MECKING, R. (2021): Scherwellenseismik als Werkzeug zur Lokalisierung erdfallgefährdeter Gebiete in Schleswig-Holstein. - LIAG-Seminar, 20.07.2021; Digital.
MECKING, R., POLOM, U. & OMLIN, A. (2021): Scherwellenseismik als Werkzeug zur Untersuchung erdfallgefährdeter Gebiete in Schleswig-Holstein. - 81. Jahrestagung der DGG, 01.-05.03.2021; Digital.
MENESES RIOSECO, E. (2021): Thermoporoelastic effects in a fracture-controlled geothermal reservoir – Case study of deep Upper Jurassic carbonates in the Southern South German Molasse Basin. - World Geothermal Congress, 03.12.2021; Digital.
MENESES RIOSECO, E., DUSSEL, M. & MOECK, I. (2021): Sustainable Geothermal Energy Development for District Heating in Big Metropolises by Means of Optimized Geothermal Reservoir Management: A Case Study from Munich (Germany). - EAGE Side Event Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Modeling (THM) and Ground Truth I (DGK 2021), 06.07.2021; Digital.
MOECK, I. (2021): Die Sandsteine des Dogger und des Rhät. - Informationsveranstaltung „Tiefengeothermie-Potenziale in Niedersachsen“ des MW in Niedersachsen für Kommunale Energieversorger, 12.10.2021; Digital. Eingeladener Vortrag.
MOECK, I. (2021): Geothermal development of fracture dominated aquifers: Case study of the deep well Geretsried (Germany). - World Geothermal Congress, 13.04.-13.05.2021; Digital.
MOECK, I. (2021): Geothermal energy from medium depth: A game change for the energy transition in the North German Basin. - Keynote auf der Celle Drilling Conference, 14.-15.09.2021; Digital. Eingeladener Vortrag.
MOECK, I. (2021): Geothermie für Fernwärme – Stand der Technik und geologische Voraussetzungen. - Deutsche Umwelthilfe, Online-Forum, 06.07.2021; Digital. Eingeladener Vortrag.
MOECK, I. (2021): Multiple Play Konzept: Transformation des Bohrlochbergbaus für die Energiewende. - Geothermie Forum Niedersachsen, 09.03.2021; Digital. Eingeladener Vortrag.
MOECK, I., BENDALL, B., MINNIG, C., MANZELA, A. & YASUKAWA, K. (2021): Geothermal play typing - current development and future trends of a modern concept for geothermal resources assessment. - World Geothermal Congress, 13.04.-13.05.2021; Digital.
MOECK, I., BENDALL, B., MINNIG, C., MANZELA, A. & YASUKAWA, K. (2021): Play based geothermal exploration – similarities and distinctions to hydrocarbon play assessment. - EAGE Jahreskongress, 17.-21.10.2021; Digital. Eingeladener Vortrag.
MOECK, I., BRACKE, R. & WEBER, J. (2021): Energy Transition from fossil fuels to geothermal energy – a german case study. - World Geothermal Congress; 13.04.-13.05.2021; Digital.
MOECK, I. & PETER, S. (2021): Technologien und Potentiale für Erneuerbare Wärme. - Pressekonferenz des Bundesverbands Erneuerbare Energie e. V. zum Auftakt der Woche der Wärme, 19.11.2021; Digital. Eingeladener Vortrag.
MÜLLER-PETKE, M. (2021): Meet the Scientist: Drohnen als Messplattform zur geophysikalischen Erkundung. - November der Wissenschaft, 08.11.2021; Digital.
MÜLLER-PETKE, M., HILLER, T., SKIBBE, N., GÜNTHER, T. & COSTABEL, S. (2021): NMR für die Hydrogeophysik. - LIAG-Seminar, 13.04.2021; Digital.
PIVETTA, T., BRAITENBERG, C., GABROVŠEK , F., MEURERS, B. & GABRIEL, G. (2021): Monitoring fast water storage variations in Karst through gravimetry: a study case from the Classical Karst. - IAG 2021 General Assembly, 28.06.-02.07.2021; Digital.
MUNOZ, M., MENESES RIOSECO, E. & MORATA, D. (2021): Geothermal potential to meet heat demand in Magallanes, Chilean Patagonia. - World Geothermal Congress, 03.04.2021; Digital.
POLOM, U., MECKING, R., LEINEWEBER, P. & OMLIN, A. (2021): Reflection seismic Imaging of buried shallow salt structures - examples from ongoing case studies in Northern Germany. - EGU General Assembly 2021, 19.–30.04.2021; Digital.
RAHIMZADEH, N. & BUCHANAN, G. (2021): Erweiterung der Lumineszenz-Datierung mit VSL- und IR-RF-Signalen. - LIAG-Seminar, 22.06.2021; Digital.
RICHTER, M. & TSUKAMOTO, S. (2021): ESR-Datierung von Sedimenten aus archäologischen Fundstellen in Sambia. - LIAG-Seminar, 30.03.2021; Digital.
RICHTER, M., TSUKAMOTO, S., CHAPOT, M.S., DULLER, G.A.T. & BARHAM, L.S. (2021): Evaluation of the residual dose/age in quartz ESR dating: a study from archaeological sites near Victoria Falls, Zambia. - 16th International Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating conference (LED2021), 13.-17.09.2021; Digital.
ROCHLITZ, R. (2021): custEM 1.0 – ein Open-Source-Tool für beliebige elektromagnetische 3-D-Modellierungen. - LIAG-Seminar, 16.03.2021; Digital.
RONCZKA, M., GÜNTHER, T., ROCHLITZ, R., KOTOWSKI, P., MÜLLER-PETKE, M. & BECKEN, M. (2021): Towards using UAV-based semi-airborne electromagnetics for hydrogeophysical characterisation. - 29. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, 27.-30.09.2021; Digital.
RONCZKA, M., GÜNTHER, T., ROCHLITZ, R. & MÜLLER-PETKE, M. (2021): UAV-based semi-airborne EM for groundwater investigations – first results. - SEG summit on Drone Geophysics, 02.-05.11.2021; Digital.
SALGUERO, L.S. & MENESES RIOSECO, E. (2021): Identification of Possible Magmatic Intrusions Through Integrated Geophysical Methods. A Contribution for Geothermal Energy Development. - World Geothermal Congress, 11.05.2021; Digital.
SARDAR ABADI, M. (2021): Aus Bohrlochmessungen abgeleitete paläoklimatische Signale in lakustrinen Ablagerungen: Das Neueste vom ICDP-Projekt MexiDrill. - LIAG-Seminar, 08.06.2021; Digital.
SARDAR ABADI, M., ZEEDEN, C., ULFERS, A., HESSE, K. & WONIK, T. (2021): Using borehole gamma-ray spectroscopy to detect tephra layers in lacustrine deposits: An example from Lake Chalco, central Mexico. - EGU General Assembly, 19.-30.04.2021; Digital.
SARDAR ABADI, M., ZEEDEN, C. & WONIK, T. (2021): Reconstruct sedimentation rate and time from downhole logging data at Lake Chalco, Central México. - GeoKarlsruhe 2021, 19.-24.09.2021; Digital.
SARDAR ABADI, M., ZEEDEN, C. & WONIK, T. (2021): Unravelling the Sedimentation Rate and Time from Downhole Logging Data at Lake. - vDEUQUA 2021, 30.09.-01.10.2021; Digital.
SCHENNEN, S., WAGNER, N., GÜNTHER, T. & IGEL, J. (2021): Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy with Coaxial Transmission Line Technique – A new inversion approach. - Geophysical seminar of Moscow State University „Contemporary challenges of Geophysics“, 14.12.2021; Digital. Eingeladener Vortrag.
SCHENNEN, S., WAGNER, N., GÜNTHER, T. & IGEL, J. (2021): Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy with Coaxial Transmission Line Technique A new inversion approach. - International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances (ISEMA 2021), 26.-30.07.2021; Digital.
SCHINTGEN, T. & MOECK, I. (2021): Glacial influence on hydrogeology and geothermal potential in the North Alpine Foreland Basin - A fossil temperature imprint in the Upper Jurassic carbonate aquifer? - World Geothermal Congress, 30.03.-27.10.2021; Digital.
STADLER, S., SCHENNEN, S. & IGEL, J. (2021): Realistic 3D Simulation of GPR for Landmine/IED Detection Including Full Antenna Models, Soil Dispersion and Heterogeneity. - SAGEEP 2021 and Munitions Response Meeting, 14.-19.03.2021; Digital.
STADLER, S., SCHENNEN, S., HILLER, T. & IGEL, J. (2021): Ground-Penetrating Radar Based Landmine Detection – Influence of Soil, Targets and Antennas. - LIAG-Seminar, 06.07.2021; Digital.
STEFANI, E., MUNOZ, M., MORATA, D., ROJAS, L. & MENESES RIOSECO, E. (2021): Rehabilitation of petroleum wells as borehole heat exchangers to provide heat for district heating networks in small towns or villages: Case study in Magallanes Basin, Chilean Patagonia. - World Geothermal Congress, 06.04.2021; Digital.
TSUKAMOTO, S. (2021): Lumineszenz- und ESR-Datierung von aktiven Verwerfungen. - LIAG-Seminar, 16.02.2021; Digital.
ULFERS, A. (2021): The potential of half-precession signals for climate variability in Europe. - LIAG-Seminar, 19.10.2021; Hannover, hybrid.
ULFERS, A. & ZEEDEN, C. (2021): Paleoenvironmental indications and cyclostratigraphic studies on lacustrine sediments obtained from geophysical downhole logging data. - Universität Rennes 1, 13.10.2021; Digital. Eingeladener Vortrag.
ULFERS, A., ZEEDEN, C., VOIGT, S. & WONIK, T. (2021): Half-precession signals in Lake Ohrid and their spatial and temporal connection to proxy records in the European realm. - EGU General Assembly 2021, 19.-30.04.2021; Digital.
ULFERS, A., ZEEDEN, C., VOIGT, S. & WONIK, T. (2021): Half-precession signals in Lake Ohrid and their spatial and temporal connection to proxy records in the European realm. - GeoKarlsruhe 2021, 19.-24.09.2021; Digital.
VOGEL, H., HABERZETTL, T., KIPFER, R., DAUT, G., WONIK, T., ARIZTEGUI, D., BERG, J., THOMAS, C., MAGNABOSCO, C., WANG, J., ZHU, L., SPIESS, V., BARBOLINI, N., CLARKE, L., HENDERSON, A., VAN DER WOERD, J. & WALDMANN, N. (2021): The Nam Co Drilling Project, Tibet (NamCore): towards retrieving a one million year sedimentary record from the third pole. - Swiss Geoscience Meeting, 20.11.2021; Digital.
VON HARTMANN, H. (2021): Analyse von Karststrukturen für die Reservoirmodellierung in der tiefen Geothermie. - 22. Tagung für Ingenieurgeologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geotechnik, 17.03.2021; Digital.
VON HARTMANN, H. (2021): Seismic investigations for a deep geothermal project for characterization of the fault system. - 1st Crystalline Club Workshop 2021 (OECD), 11.03.2021; Digital. Eingeladener Vortrag.
VON HARTMANN, H. & BELLO, L. (2021): Das Potenzial von maschinellem Lernen für die seismische Interpretation. - LIAG-Seminar, 16.11.2021; Hannover, hybrid.
VOUCHER, R., DASHTGARD, S. E., HORNG, C.-S., ZEEDEN, C., DILLINGER, A., PAN, Y.-Y., SETIAJI, R.A., CHI, W.-R. & LÖWEMARK, L. (2021): Insolation-paced sea level during the Early Pleistocene, Taiwan. - EGU General Assembly 2021, 19.-30.04.2021; Digital.
WADAS, S. & VON HARTMANN, H. (2021): Bestimmung geothermischer Reservoireigenschaften im Süddeutschen Molassebecken mittels seismischer Attributanalyse und Inversion. - 81. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 01.-05.03.2021; Digital.
WADAS, S. & VON HARTMANN, H. (2021): Porosity estimation and characterization of a geothermal carbonate reservoir in the South German Molasse Basin based on seismic inversion and attribute analysis. - EGU General Assembly, 26.-30.04.2021; Digital.
WADAS, S. & BAUER, J. (2021): Vorstellung vom Projekt REgine. - GeoTHERM 2021, 24.-25.06.2021; Digital.
WANG, X., KHORMALI, F., WEI, H., WANG, Q., TAHERI, M., KEHL, M., FRECHEN, M. & CHEN, F. (2021): Early Pleistocene climate in north Iran and its correlation with Eastern Asia. - 2nd International Conference on Quaternary Sciences, 05.-07.09.2021; Digital.
WONIK, T. (2021): Möglichkeiten der Ein-Bohrlochmessverfahren im Projekt Maturity. - Workshop Maturity-Projekt, 13.04.2021; Digital.
ZAHOREC, P., PAPčO, J., PAŠTEKA, R., BIELIK, M., BONVALOT, S., BRAITENBERG, C., EBBING, J., GABRIEL, G., GOSAR, A., GRAND, A., GÖTZE, H.-J., HETÉNYI, G., HOLZRICHTER, N., KISSLING, E., MARTI, U., MEURERS, B., MRLINA, J., NOGOVÁ, E., PASTORUTTI, A., SCARPONI, M., SEBERA, J., SEOANE, L., SKIBA, P., SZÛCS, E. & VARGA, M. (2021): The compilation of the new Alpine gravity maps – from the work of the AlpArray Gravity Research Group. - GeoKarlsruhe 2021, 19.-24.09.2021; Digital. Eingeladener Vortrag.
ZEEDEN, C. (2021): Ergebnisse aus dem DFG-Projekt REGROUP (Reconstructing precipitation patterns in Europe from topsoil properties). - LIAG-Seminar, 25.05.2021; Hannover/hybrid.
ZEEDEN, C., VINNEPAND, M., RYZNER, K., ROLF, C., LAAG, C., SARDAR ABADI, M., RADAKOVIC, M., GAVRILOV, M.B. & MARKOVIC, S.B. (2021): Relationships between meteorological data and soil properties: quantifying precipitation and aridity in the Middle Danube Basin through geophysical proxies. - EGU General Assembly 2021, 19.-30.04.2021; Digital.
DE VLEESCHOUWER, D.,HILGEN, F., PILLER, W., RIVERA, T., ZEEDEN, C. & NETT, J.J. (2021): Session: Integrated Stratigraphy – Recent advances in reconstructing Earth System and human dynamics. - EGU21, 28.04.2021.
GRINAT, M., GÜNTHER, T., MÜLLER-PETKE, M., SCHWALENBERG, K. & STEUER, A. (2021): 29. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung (EMTF), 27.-30.09.2021.
GÜNTHER, T (2021): Session: 1st Conference on Hydrogeophysics. - Near Surface Geoscience Conference & Exhibition 2021 (Mitglied des Wissenschaftskomitees), 30.08.-02.09.2021.
KABOTH-BAHR, S., DA SILVA, A.-C., LI, M., WU, H. & ZEEDEN, C. (2021): Session: Climate response to orbital forcing. - EGU21, 29.04.2021.
MOECK, I. (2021): Norddeutsche Geothermietagung (Ko-Organisatorin), 12.05.2021.
MOECK, I. (2021): Session: Exploration. - World Geothermal Congress, 13.04.-13.05.2021.
MOECK, I. et al. (2021): Session: Geothermie und Reservoir Engineering. - DGMK/ÖGEW Frühjahrstagung, 21.04.2021.
MÜLLER-PETKE, M. (2021): 8th International workshop on Magnetic Resonance (Mitglied des Wissenschaftskomitees), 26.-28.10.2021.
SCHWENK, M., BUECHI, M., BURSCHIL, T., FISCHER, U. & SALCHER, B. (2021): Session: Glaciations and their terrestrial sedimentary records. - EGU21, 29.04.2021.
SOHBATI, R., TSUKAMOTO, S., SAWAKUCHI, A.O. & GRAY, H.J. (2021): Session: Trapped charge chronometry beyond sediment dating. - AGU Conference, 13.12.2021.
TSUKAMOTO, S. (2021): Deutsche Konferenz für Lumineszenz- und Elektronenspinresonanzdatierung, 29.-31.10.2021.
VON SUCHODOLETZ, H., ZEEDEN, C. et al. (2021): Virtual DEUQUA 2021 (Ko-Organisator), 30.09- 01.10.2021.
WADAS, S., BURSCHIL, T., DIETIKER, B. & RADOGNA, P. (2021): Session: Shallow shear-wave and multi-component seismic techniques – methodical capability, technical developments, data processing, and case studies. - EGU21, 19.-30.04.2021.
ZEEDEN, C., KABOTH-BAHR, S., DRURY, A.-J., FANG, Q. & ABADI, M.S. (2021): Session: The imprint of astronomical climate forcing: Geochronometer and paleoclimate. - GeoKarlsruhe, 23.09.2021.