Vorträge 2021

Hier finden Sie die Vorträge (eingeladen, extern, intern) und Seminare, die vom LIAG im Jahr 2021 gehalten wurden sowie wissenschaftliche Poster.

  • Vorträge

    ABBAS, W., ZHANG, J., TSUKAMOTO, S., ALI, S., FRECHEN, M. & REICHERTER, K. (2021): Active tectonics of the Kalabagh Fault in Pakistan: Implications from morphotectonics and luminescence dating. - 2nd International Conference on Quaternary Sciences, 05.-07.09.2021; Digital.

    AGEMAR, T. (2021): 3D-Temperature Estimation Using Geostatistical Methods. - World Geothermal Congress, 30.03.-27.10.2021; Digital.

    AGEMAR, T. (2021): Improving Bottom-Hole Temperature Corrections on the Basis of Statistical Correlations. - World Geothermal Congress, 30.03.-27.10.2021; Reykjavik, hybrid.

    AGEMAR, T. (2021): ArtemIS – Ausbau des Geothermischen Informationssystems GeotIS zum Internetportal für die Wärmewende in Deutschland. - Der Geothermiekongress (DGK), 30.11.-02.12.2021; Digital.

    ALMS, K., AGEMAR, T. & MOECK, I. (2021): Heat refraction in the North German Basin. - Der Geothermie Kongress (DGK), 30.11.-02.12.2021; Digital.

    ANSELMETTI, F., PREUSSER, F., FIEBIG, M., GABRIEL, G. & DOVE Science Team (2021): DOVE – Drilling Overdeepened Alpine Valleys. - EGU Conference, ICDP-IODP/ECORD Town Hall Meeting, 27.04.2021; Digital.

    BAUER, J. (2021): Charakterisierung eines heterogenen geothermischen Reservoirs basierend auf geophysikalischen Bohrlochmessungen. - LIAG-Seminar, 02.11.2021; Hannover, hybrid.

    BAUER, J., PFRANG, D. & KRUMBHOLZ, M. (2021): Characterisation of a highly heterogeneous geothermal reservoir based on geophysical well logs. - EGU General Assembly 2021, 26.04.-30.04.2021; Digital.

    BRANDES, C., WADAS, S., TANNER, D. & GABRIEL, G. (2021): Meet the Scientist: Erdbeben im Fokus. - November der Wissenschaft, 04.11.2021; Digital.

    BUNESS, H., THOMAS, R., MENESES RIOSECO, E., VON HARTMANN, H., ZIESCH, J. & WAWERZINEK, B. (2021): Interdisciplinary Research for a Geothermal Carbonate Reservoir. - World Geothermal Congress, 11.05.2021; Digital.

    BUNESS, H. & BURSCHIL, T. (2021): Reprocessing of reflection seismic data to highlight near-surface glacio-tectonic deformation. - Near Surface Geoscience Conference & Exhibition, 30.08.-01.09.2021; Bordeaux, France.

    BURSCHIL, T., BUNESS, H., LEINEWEBER, P. & POLOM, U. (2021): Results of performance tests of electrodynamic vibratory seismic sources. - Near Surface Geoscience Conference & Exhibition, 30.08.-01.09.2021; Bordeaux, France.

    CONSTANTIN, D., MASON, J., HAMBACH, U., VERES, D., PANAIOTU, C., ZEEDEN, C., ZHOU, L., MARKOVIĆ, S.B., GERASIMENKO, N., AVRAM, A., TECSA, V., SACACIU-GROZA, S.M., DEL VALLE VILLALONGA, L., KELEMEN, S. & TIMAR-GABOR, A. (2021): Accretional soil formation in northern hemisphere loess regions – evidence from OSL-dating of the P/H climatic transition from China, Europe and North America. - EGU General Assembly, 19-30.04.2021; Digital.

    FRECHEN, M. (2021): Opening Ceremony. - 2nd International Conference on Quaternary Sciences, 05.-07.09.2021; Digital. Eingeladener Vortrag.

    GABRIEL, G., ANSELMETTI, F., PREUSSER, F., FIEBIG, M. & DOVE Science Team (2021): DOVE: Current Status and Achievements in 2021. - AGU conference, ICDP-CSD Facility Town Hall meeting, 13.12.2021; Digital.

    GABRIEL, G., SIEMON, B., BUNESS, H., BURSCHIL, T., GRINAT, M., TANNER, D.C., WIEDERHOLD, H. & WONIK, T. (2021): Glazial übertiefte Rinnen und Täler: Geophysikalische Beiträge zur strukturellen und hydrogeologischen Erkundung. - Keynote im BGE/BGR-Fachworkshop „Subglaziale Rinnen und ihre Bedeutung für die Langzeitsicherheit eines Endlagers für radioaktive Abfälle“, Geozentrum Hannover, 09.-10.12.2021; Digital. Eingeladener Vortrag.

    GABRIEL, G., BURSCHIL, T., BÜCHI, M., SCHUSTER, B. & BERAUS, S. (2021): Erforschung der Klimaentwicklung im Alpenraum: Stand der Arbeiten des ICDP-Projekts DOVE und zukünftige Forschung. - LIAG-Seminar, 14.12.2021; Hannover/hybrid.

    GABRIEL, G., POLOM, U., TANNER, D. C., WADAS, S., IGEL, J. & TSUKAMOTO, S. (2021): How can near surface geophysics and new dating methods contribute to neotectonic investigations? A LIAG perspective. - Workshop Intraplate Active Tectonics and Seismicity in Central/Western Europe, 23.03.2021; Digital.

    GHAFARPOUR, A., KHORMALI, F., ROLF, C., TAZIKEH, M., KEHL, M., FRECHEN, M. & ZEEDEN, C. (2021): Pedogenesis - a likely process to explain the magnetic properties of the Late Pleistocene loess-paleosol sequence at Chenarli, northeastern Iran. - 2nd International Conference on Quaternary Sciences, 05.-07.09.2021; Digital.

    GRINAT, M., RONCZKA, M., EPPING, D., KIPKE, V. & MEYER, R. (2021): Langzeitüberwachung mit dem Salzwasser-Monitoring-System (SAMOS). - LIAG-Seminar, 27.04.2021; Digital.

    GRINAT, M., RONCZKA, M., GÜNTHER, T., EPPING, D., KIPKE, V. & MÜLLER-PETKE, M. (2021): Long-term monitoring of coastal saltwater intrusion using the geoelectrical monitoring system SAMOS. - EGU General Assembly, 19.-30.04.2021; Digital.

    GÜNTHER, T. (2021): Induced polarization modelling and inversion with pyGIMLi and pyBERT. - Workshop Induced Polarization, 11.-12.10.2021; Digital.

    GÜNTHER, T., BALZA, A., WAGNER, F. & RÜCKER, C. (2021): Improving the plausibility of geophysical tomograms through joint inversion, advanced regularization and a direct link to geological modeling. - SEG-Workshop 3D Computer Geologic Modeling for Geophysicists and How to Integrate Geologic and Geophysical Computer Earth Modeling, 30.09.2021; Digital.

    GÜNTHER, T. & MARTIN, T. (2021): Comparison of measuring strategies for frequency- and time-domain induced polarization. - Workshop Induced Polarization, 11.-12.10.2021; Digital.

    GÜNTHER, T., RONCZKA, M., IGEL, J. & MÜLLER-PETKE, M. (2021): Die geophysikalische Charakterisierung von Salzwasser-Süßwasser-Grenzflächen. - LIAG-Seminar, 30.11.2021; Hannover, hybrid.

    GÜNTHER, T., RONCZKA, M., KOTOWSKI, P., ROCHLITZ, R. & MÜLLER-PETKE, M. (2021): A new drone-based semi-airborne electromagnetic system for mapping saltwater-freshwater interfaces. - Near Surface Geosciences, 30.08.-01.09.2021; Bordeaux, France.

    GÜNTHER, T., WAGNER, F., RÜCKER, C. & BALZA, A. (2021): Geophysical modeling and inversion with pyGIMLi – a hands-on tutorial. - TRANSFORM 2021, 02.-05.11.2021; Digital.

    HALISCH, M. & ZEEDEN, C. (2021): Anisotrope Eigenschaften von Gesteinen. - LIAG-Seminar, 02.03.2021; Digital.

    HILLER, T., COSTABEL, S., DLUGOSCH, R., RADIC, T. & MÜLLER-PETKE, M. (2021): Measuring Soil Moisture Using Surface-NMR With Prepolarization. - Near Surface Geoscience Conference & Exhibition, 30.08.-01.09.2021; Bordeaux, France.

    KEHL, M., FRECHEN, M. & KHORMALI, F. (2021): Aeolian records in the Southern Caspian Lowlands, Iran – an overview. - 2nd International Conference on Quaternary Sciences, 05.-07.09.2021; Digital.

    KHORMALI, F., KEHL, M. & FRECHEN, M. (2021): Modern pedogenesis on loess along a climate gradient in Northern Iran. - 2nd International Conference on Quaternary Sciences, 05.-07.09.2021; Digital.

    LAAG, C., WACHA, L., RYZNER, K., ZEEDEN, C., ROLF, C., LAGROIX, F., GUYODO, Y., TSUKAMOTO, S., FRECHEN, M. (2021): 350 kyrs of increasing aridity reflected by geophysical proxies from the LPS of Zmajevac, Croatia. - EGU General Assembly, 19.-30.04.2021; Digital.

    LEU, K., WONIK, T. & ZEEDEN, C. (2021): Analyses of geophysical borehole data of Prees-2 (England) as part of the ICDP JET project. - GeoKarlsruhe2021, 19.-24.09.2021; Digital.

    LEU, K., WONIK, T. & ZEEDEN, C. (2021): First insights into analyses of geophysical borehole data of Prees-2 (England) as part of the ICDP JET project. - LIAG-Seminar, 11.05.2021; Digital.

    LEU, K., WONIK, T. & ZEEDEN, C. (2021): First insights into analyses of geophysical borehole data of Prees-2 (England) as part of the ICDP JET project. - SEG Workshop, 05.03.2021; Digital.

    MECKING, R. (2021): Scherwellenseismik als Werkzeug zur Lokalisierung erdfallgefährdeter Gebiete in Schleswig-Holstein. - LIAG-Seminar, 20.07.2021; Digital.

    MECKING, R., POLOM, U. & OMLIN, A. (2021): Scherwellenseismik als Werkzeug zur Untersuchung erdfallgefährdeter Gebiete in Schleswig-Holstein. - 81. Jahrestagung der DGG, 01.-05.03.2021; Digital.

    MENESES RIOSECO, E. (2021): Thermoporoelastic effects in a fracture-controlled geothermal reservoir – Case study of deep Upper Jurassic carbonates in the Southern South German Molasse Basin. - World Geothermal Congress, 03.12.2021; Digital.

    MENESES RIOSECO, E., DUSSEL, M. & MOECK, I. (2021): Sustainable Geothermal Energy Development for District Heating in Big Metropolises by Means of Optimized Geothermal Reservoir Management: A Case Study from Munich (Germany). - EAGE Side Event Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Modeling (THM) and Ground Truth I (DGK 2021), 06.07.2021; Digital.

    MOECK, I. (2021): Die Sandsteine des Dogger und des Rhät. - Informationsveranstaltung „Tiefengeothermie-Potenziale in Niedersachsen“ des MW in Niedersachsen für Kommunale Energieversorger, 12.10.2021; Digital. Eingeladener Vortrag.

    MOECK, I. (2021): Geothermal development of fracture dominated aquifers: Case study of the deep well Geretsried (Germany). - World Geothermal Congress, 13.04.-13.05.2021; Digital.

    MOECK, I. (2021): Geothermal energy from medium depth: A game change for the energy transition in the North German Basin. - Keynote auf der Celle Drilling Conference, 14.-15.09.2021; Digital. Eingeladener Vortrag.

    MOECK, I. (2021): Geothermie für Fernwärme – Stand der Technik und geologische Voraussetzungen. - Deutsche Umwelthilfe, Online-Forum, 06.07.2021; Digital. Eingeladener Vortrag.

    MOECK, I. (2021): Multiple Play Konzept: Transformation des Bohrlochbergbaus für die Energiewende. - Geothermie Forum Niedersachsen, 09.03.2021; Digital. Eingeladener Vortrag.

    MOECK, I., BENDALL, B., MINNIG, C., MANZELA, A. & YASUKAWA, K. (2021): Geothermal play typing - current development and future trends of a modern concept for geothermal resources assessment. - World Geothermal Congress, 13.04.-13.05.2021; Digital.

    MOECK, I., BENDALL, B., MINNIG, C., MANZELA, A. & YASUKAWA, K. (2021): Play based geothermal exploration – similarities and distinctions to hydrocarbon play assessment. - EAGE Jahreskongress, 17.-21.10.2021; Digital. Eingeladener Vortrag.

    MOECK, I., BRACKE, R. & WEBER, J. (2021): Energy Transition from fossil fuels to geothermal energy – a german case study. - World Geothermal Congress; 13.04.-13.05.2021; Digital.

    MOECK, I. & PETER, S. (2021): Technologien und Potentiale für Erneuerbare Wärme. - Pressekonferenz des Bundesverbands Erneuerbare Energie e. V. zum Auftakt der Woche der Wärme, 19.11.2021; Digital. Eingeladener Vortrag.

    MÜLLER-PETKE, M. (2021): Meet the Scientist: Drohnen als Messplattform zur geophysikalischen Erkundung. - November der Wissenschaft, 08.11.2021; Digital.

    MÜLLER-PETKE, M., HILLER, T., SKIBBE, N., GÜNTHER, T. & COSTABEL, S. (2021): NMR für die Hydrogeophysik. - LIAG-Seminar, 13.04.2021; Digital.

    PIVETTA, T., BRAITENBERG, C., GABROVŠEK , F., MEURERS, B. & GABRIEL, G. (2021): Monitoring fast water storage variations in Karst through gravimetry: a study case from the Classical Karst. - IAG 2021 General Assembly, 28.06.-02.07.2021; Digital.

    MUNOZ, M., MENESES RIOSECO, E. & MORATA, D. (2021): Geothermal potential to meet heat demand in Magallanes, Chilean Patagonia. - World Geothermal Congress, 03.04.2021; Digital.

    POLOM, U., MECKING, R., LEINEWEBER, P. & OMLIN, A. (2021): Reflection seismic Imaging of buried shallow salt structures - examples from ongoing case studies in Northern Germany. - EGU General Assembly 2021, 19.–30.04.2021; Digital.

    RAHIMZADEH, N. & BUCHANAN, G. (2021): Erweiterung der Lumineszenz-Datierung mit VSL- und IR-RF-Signalen. - LIAG-Seminar, 22.06.2021; Digital.

    RICHTER, M. & TSUKAMOTO, S. (2021): ESR-Datierung von Sedimenten aus archäologischen Fundstellen in Sambia. - LIAG-Seminar, 30.03.2021; Digital.

    RICHTER, M., TSUKAMOTO, S., CHAPOT, M.S., DULLER, G.A.T. & BARHAM, L.S. (2021): Evaluation of the residual dose/age in quartz ESR dating: a study from archaeological sites near Victoria Falls, Zambia. - 16th International Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating conference (LED2021), 13.-17.09.2021; Digital.

    ROCHLITZ, R. (2021): custEM 1.0 – ein Open-Source-Tool für beliebige elektromagnetische 3-D-Modellierungen. - LIAG-Seminar, 16.03.2021; Digital.

    RONCZKA, M., GÜNTHER, T., ROCHLITZ, R., KOTOWSKI, P., MÜLLER-PETKE, M. & BECKEN, M. (2021): Towards using UAV-based semi-airborne electromagnetics for hydrogeophysical characterisation. - 29. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, 27.-30.09.2021; Digital.

    RONCZKA, M., GÜNTHER, T., ROCHLITZ, R. & MÜLLER-PETKE, M. (2021): UAV-based semi-airborne EM for groundwater investigations – first results. - SEG summit on Drone Geophysics, 02.-05.11.2021; Digital.

    SALGUERO, L.S. & MENESES RIOSECO, E. (2021): Identification of Possible Magmatic Intrusions Through Integrated Geophysical Methods. A Contribution for Geothermal Energy Development. - World Geothermal Congress, 11.05.2021; Digital.

    SARDAR ABADI, M. (2021): Aus Bohrlochmessungen abgeleitete paläoklimatische Signale in lakustrinen Ablagerungen: Das Neueste vom ICDP-Projekt MexiDrill. - LIAG-Seminar, 08.06.2021; Digital.

    SARDAR ABADI, M., ZEEDEN, C., ULFERS, A., HESSE, K. & WONIK, T. (2021): Using borehole gamma-ray spectroscopy to detect tephra layers in lacustrine deposits: An example from Lake Chalco, central Mexico. - EGU General Assembly, 19.-30.04.2021; Digital.

    SARDAR ABADI, M., ZEEDEN, C. & WONIK, T. (2021): Reconstruct sedimentation rate and time from downhole logging data at Lake Chalco, Central México. - GeoKarlsruhe 2021, 19.-24.09.2021; Digital.

    SARDAR ABADI, M., ZEEDEN, C. & WONIK, T. (2021): Unravelling the Sedimentation Rate and Time from Downhole Logging Data at Lake. - vDEUQUA 2021, 30.09.-01.10.2021; Digital.

    SCHENNEN, S., WAGNER, N., GÜNTHER, T. & IGEL, J. (2021): Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy with Coaxial Transmission Line Technique – A new inversion approach. - Geophysical seminar of Moscow State University „Contemporary challenges of Geophysics“, 14.12.2021; Digital. Eingeladener Vortrag.

    SCHENNEN, S., WAGNER, N., GÜNTHER, T. & IGEL, J. (2021): Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy with Coaxial Transmission Line Technique A new inversion approach. - International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances (ISEMA 2021), 26.-30.07.2021; Digital.

    SCHINTGEN, T. & MOECK, I. (2021): Glacial influence on hydrogeology and geothermal potential in the North Alpine Foreland Basin - A fossil temperature imprint in the Upper Jurassic carbonate aquifer? - World Geothermal Congress, 30.03.-27.10.2021; Digital.

    STADLER, S., SCHENNEN, S. & IGEL, J. (2021): Realistic 3D Simulation of GPR for Landmine/IED Detection Including Full Antenna Models, Soil Dispersion and Heterogeneity. - SAGEEP 2021 and Munitions Response Meeting, 14.-19.03.2021; Digital.

    STADLER, S., SCHENNEN, S., HILLER, T. & IGEL, J. (2021): Ground-Penetrating Radar Based Landmine Detection – Influence of Soil, Targets and Antennas. - LIAG-Seminar, 06.07.2021; Digital.

    STEFANI, E., MUNOZ, M., MORATA, D., ROJAS, L. & MENESES RIOSECO, E. (2021): Rehabilitation of petroleum wells as borehole heat exchangers to provide heat for district heating networks in small towns or villages: Case study in Magallanes Basin, Chilean Patagonia. - World Geothermal Congress, 06.04.2021; Digital.

    TSUKAMOTO, S. (2021): Lumineszenz- und ESR-Datierung von aktiven Verwerfungen. - LIAG-Seminar, 16.02.2021; Digital.

    ULFERS, A. (2021): The potential of half-precession signals for climate variability in Europe. - LIAG-Seminar, 19.10.2021; Hannover, hybrid.

    ULFERS, A. & ZEEDEN, C. (2021): Paleoenvironmental indications and cyclostratigraphic studies on lacustrine sediments obtained from geophysical downhole logging data. - Universität Rennes 1, 13.10.2021; Digital. Eingeladener Vortrag.

    ULFERS, A., ZEEDEN, C., VOIGT, S. & WONIK, T. (2021): Half-precession signals in Lake Ohrid and their spatial and temporal connection to proxy records in the European realm. - EGU General Assembly 2021, 19.-30.04.2021; Digital.

    ULFERS, A., ZEEDEN, C., VOIGT, S. & WONIK, T. (2021): Half-precession signals in Lake Ohrid and their spatial and temporal connection to proxy records in the European realm. - GeoKarlsruhe 2021, 19.-24.09.2021; Digital.

    VOGEL, H., HABERZETTL, T., KIPFER, R., DAUT, G., WONIK, T., ARIZTEGUI, D., BERG, J., THOMAS, C., MAGNABOSCO, C., WANG, J., ZHU, L., SPIESS, V., BARBOLINI, N., CLARKE, L., HENDERSON, A., VAN DER WOERD, J. & WALDMANN, N. (2021): The Nam Co Drilling Project, Tibet (NamCore): towards retrieving a one million year sedimentary record from the third pole. - Swiss Geoscience Meeting, 20.11.2021; Digital.

    VON HARTMANN, H. (2021): Analyse von Karststrukturen für die Reservoirmodellierung in der tiefen Geothermie. - 22. Tagung für Ingenieurgeologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geotechnik, 17.03.2021; Digital.

    VON HARTMANN, H. (2021): Seismic investigations for a deep geothermal project for characterization of the fault system. - 1st Crystalline Club Workshop 2021 (OECD), 11.03.2021; Digital. Eingeladener Vortrag.

    VON HARTMANN, H. & BELLO, L. (2021): Das Potenzial von maschinellem Lernen für die seismische Interpretation. - LIAG-Seminar, 16.11.2021; Hannover, hybrid.

    VOUCHER, R., DASHTGARD, S. E., HORNG, C.-S., ZEEDEN, C., DILLINGER, A., PAN, Y.-Y., SETIAJI, R.A., CHI, W.-R. & LÖWEMARK, L. (2021): Insolation-paced sea level during the Early Pleistocene, Taiwan. - EGU General Assembly 2021, 19.-30.04.2021; Digital.

    WADAS, S. & VON HARTMANN, H. (2021): Bestimmung geothermischer Reservoireigenschaften im Süddeutschen Molassebecken mittels seismischer Attributanalyse und Inversion. - 81. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 01.-05.03.2021; Digital.

    WADAS, S. & VON HARTMANN, H. (2021): Porosity estimation and characterization of a geothermal carbonate reservoir in the South German Molasse Basin based on seismic inversion and attribute analysis. - EGU General Assembly, 26.-30.04.2021; Digital.

    WADAS, S. & BAUER, J. (2021): Vorstellung vom Projekt REgine. - GeoTHERM 2021, 24.-25.06.2021; Digital.

    WANG, X., KHORMALI, F., WEI, H., WANG, Q., TAHERI, M., KEHL, M., FRECHEN, M. & CHEN, F. (2021): Early Pleistocene climate in north Iran and its correlation with Eastern Asia. - 2nd International Conference on Quaternary Sciences, 05.-07.09.2021; Digital.

    WONIK, T. (2021): Möglichkeiten der Ein-Bohrlochmessverfahren im Projekt Maturity. - Workshop Maturity-Projekt, 13.04.2021; Digital.

    ZAHOREC, P., PAPčO, J., PAŠTEKA, R., BIELIK, M., BONVALOT, S., BRAITENBERG, C., EBBING, J., GABRIEL, G., GOSAR, A., GRAND, A., GÖTZE, H.-J., HETÉNYI, G., HOLZRICHTER, N., KISSLING, E., MARTI, U., MEURERS, B., MRLINA, J., NOGOVÁ, E., PASTORUTTI, A., SCARPONI, M., SEBERA, J., SEOANE, L., SKIBA, P., SZÛCS, E. & VARGA, M. (2021): The compilation of the new Alpine gravity maps – from the work of the AlpArray Gravity Research Group. - GeoKarlsruhe 2021, 19.-24.09.2021; Digital. Eingeladener Vortrag.

    ZEEDEN, C. (2021): Ergebnisse aus dem DFG-Projekt REGROUP (Reconstructing precipitation patterns in Europe from topsoil properties). - LIAG-Seminar, 25.05.2021; Hannover/hybrid.

    ZEEDEN, C., VINNEPAND, M., RYZNER, K., ROLF, C., LAAG, C., SARDAR ABADI, M., RADAKOVIC, M., GAVRILOV, M.B. & MARKOVIC, S.B. (2021): Relationships between meteorological data and soil properties: quantifying precipitation and aridity in the Middle Danube Basin through geophysical proxies. - EGU General Assembly 2021, 19.-30.04.2021; Digital.

  • Tagungen und Sessions

    DE VLEESCHOUWER, D.,HILGEN, F., PILLER, W., RIVERA, T., ZEEDEN, C. & NETT, J.J. (2021): Session: Integrated Stratigraphy – Recent advances in reconstructing Earth System and human dynamics. - EGU21, 28.04.2021.

    GRINAT, M., GÜNTHER, T., MÜLLER-PETKE, M., SCHWALENBERG, K. & STEUER, A. (2021): 29. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung (EMTF), 27.-30.09.2021.

    GÜNTHER, T (2021): Session: 1st Conference on Hydrogeophysics. - Near Surface Geoscience Conference & Exhibition 2021 (Mitglied des Wissenschaftskomitees), 30.08.-02.09.2021.

    KABOTH-BAHR, S., DA SILVA, A.-C., LI, M., WU, H. & ZEEDEN, C. (2021): Session: Climate response to orbital forcing. - EGU21, 29.04.2021.

    MOECK, I. (2021): Norddeutsche Geothermietagung (Ko-Organisatorin), 12.05.2021.

    MOECK, I. (2021): Session: Exploration. - World Geothermal Congress, 13.04.-13.05.2021.

    MOECK, I. et al. (2021): Session: Geothermie und Reservoir Engineering. - DGMK/ÖGEW Frühjahrstagung, 21.04.2021.

    MÜLLER-PETKE, M. (2021): 8th International workshop on Magnetic Resonance (Mitglied des Wissenschaftskomitees), 26.-28.10.2021.

    SCHWENK, M., BUECHI, M., BURSCHIL, T., FISCHER, U. & SALCHER, B. (2021): Session: Glaciations and their terrestrial sedimentary records. - EGU21, 29.04.2021.

    SOHBATI, R., TSUKAMOTO, S., SAWAKUCHI, A.O. & GRAY, H.J. (2021): Session: Trapped charge chronometry beyond sediment dating. - AGU Conference, 13.12.2021.

    TSUKAMOTO, S. (2021): Deutsche Konferenz für Lumineszenz- und Elektronenspinresonanzdatierung, 29.-31.10.2021.

    VON SUCHODOLETZ, H., ZEEDEN, C. et al. (2021): Virtual DEUQUA 2021 (Ko-Organisator), 30.09- 01.10.2021.

    WADAS, S., BURSCHIL, T., DIETIKER, B. & RADOGNA, P. (2021): Session: Shallow shear-wave and multi-component seismic techniques – methodical capability, technical developments, data processing, and case studies. - EGU21, 19.-30.04.2021.

    ZEEDEN, C., KABOTH-BAHR, S., DRURY, A.-J., FANG, Q. & ABADI, M.S. (2021): Session: The imprint of astronomical climate forcing: Geochronometer and paleoclimate. - GeoKarlsruhe, 23.09.2021.

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Publikationen 2021